how the 5 acts meme works
- Post a list of your five favourite kinks/acts or themes in your journal. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
- Comment to the
master post with a link to your post.
- Read other people's lists
- Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.
my 5 acts )
Actually I'm pretty sure I almost managed to cheat my way through all five acts in one fic, I'm really proud of myself.Q sat by the window and pretended to be looking through his notes, but his eyes kept wandering to the bathroom, the large two-winged door that was wide open for no good reason other than Bond being a show-off, and anyway what kind of a hotel had bathrooms that were larger than most people's living rooms, with just as absurdly large doors? Right, the kind of hotel that James Bond stayed in, and Q in this case, because his fear of flying unfortunately couldn't save him from being sent to Paris to help Bond on a mission that would require a bit more technological know-how than England's finest had ( ... )
My friends are usually concerned for one second to make sure I'm not seriously hurt, and then they laugh hysterically. ;)
Your friends sounds like they've got the right idea. I was at work when I took my prat fall today though so it was mostly just the security dude earnestly asking me if I wanted to write it down in the 'accident book', presumably, y'know, in case I want to sue the company for my incredible personal injury.
Security dude clearly has the right idea of how to deal with stuff like that.
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