5 acts meme

May 10, 2013 12:29

how the 5 acts meme works
- Post a list of your five favourite kinks/acts or themes in your journal. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
- Comment to the master post with a link to your post.
- Read other people's lists here.
- Post comment-fic based off of other people's interests.

my 5 acts )

exchanges, memes, fanfiction

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linndechir May 12 2013, 03:05:22 UTC
A cure for temptation, 3/3

Bond didn't say anything, but he cocked his head just a bit to the side, angled it as if to kiss Q, and while part of Q was oddly curious to find out if Bond would actually go through with the motion, if his professionalism wouldn't win out in the end, he was worried that his own resolve might not last once he felt Bond's lips on his own. He wanted him, but he would have him on his own terms. He wasn't going to be seduced like a brainless beauty in a casino, he wasn't going to swoon in Bond's arms as if he had never been kissed before. He might look like a shy boy just waiting to get ravished by a big strong man, and he would be lying if he said he never enjoyed that fantasy himself, but he was certainly not going to give James Bond of all people the satisfaction of seeing him like that.

Q wrapped his fingers around Bond's wrist, as tightly as he could, and although Q doubted that he actually hurt the man, Bond did pull back a little, his brow furrowed in surprise. Q could feel Bond's pulse quickening just a little under his fingertips, and the surprise on Bond's face turned into a look of fascination, as if he had seen something he hadn't quite expected, not from Q. Of course, with Bond one could never be sure how much of his expresssions was genuine and how much was merely careful manipulation, but even so, he held still. Didn't move even when Q's other hand came up to button Bond's shirt ever so slowly, and between every two buttons he let his finger trail over Bond's chest, pressing down just enough for his fingernail to leave a thin red line on pale skin. He stopped at the topmost button, considered for a second to grab the tie Bond had already laid out, but he doubted that his tie knot would live up to Bond's standards. So instead he simply curled his fingers into Bond's braces, pulled him just an inch closer - and when Bond leant in to try to kiss him again, the movement more sudden, more determined this time, Q flattened his hand against Bond's chest, a firm pressure that would certainly never stop Bond if he didn't want to be stopped, but which was still steady enough to make a point. And then, before Bond's almost pathological need to push against every resistance he met could kick in -

“Don't be ridiculous, Bond.”

Q let go of his wrist even as Bond's eyes widened a little in surprise, and he stepped back quickly. For a second he thought that Bond would go after him, always the hunter who couldn't take no for an answer, but then he realised that the dumbfounded look on Bond's face had to be genuine. Q decided to go a step further, looked him up and down with with an expression that was just on this side of contempt, and turned away. Turned his back on Bond.

“Do get dressed, 007. I don't think Monsieur Collin appreciates tardiness.”

As Q walked back to his travelling bag to fetch the equipment he had brought for Bond - a new phone, a gun, and a watch with a few custom-made improvements - he could feel Bond's eyes following him, and still Bond was silent, as if he was too busy processing what had just happened to come up with a retort.

Maybe, Q thought, savouring his victory, maybe this was what being Bond felt like.


outboxed May 12 2013, 08:45:36 UTC
Linnnnn, you did an amazing job of putting so many wonderful things in this. Yesss. And oh god Q's sense of his own value which is at once deservedly high but simultaneously conflicted because of the environment he grew up in and the sorts of masculinities which were esteemed by his family and his peers. Glorious. And Q playing Bond the way Bond plays most people is wonderful to behold. YES. That slight competitive edge there. Eeee. They are like glorious equals who are equal in nothing but make up for each other's deficits perfectly. Anyway, anyway, I want to reread this and quote things back at you but then I would probably miss the bus and I cannot do a Bond-on-the-tube and just jump on when the bus is already in motion so I might squee at you more about this later, after the joys of working on a Sunday are done with. Reading this is almost certainly going to be the awesomest thing which happens to me today though. (; Thank you as always, bro. :D


linndechir May 12 2013, 12:15:32 UTC
Eeeeeh, i'm so happy you like this. :D I don't even know where my headcanon comes from that Q comes from a traditionally military family, but somehow it just fits, and it would give him certain issues no matter how well he knows what he's worth. I am a bit disappointed that you can't do a Bond-on-the-tube, but you would probably just hurt yourself if you tried that and I don't want that. But I'm all for more squeeing later. ;)


outboxed May 12 2013, 21:30:40 UTC
Can you imagine what a drag it'd be if I hated it? (; And I don't know where your Q heacanon came from either but it fits perfectly with Q and his choice to get involved with that kind of institutionalised nationalist endeavour, so I kind of can't unsee it now. I wish I could do a Bond-style tube jump, even if it resulted in injury, honestly, just for the awesome factor. Besides, today I managed to hurt myself by tripping over while walking backwards so, uh, yeah, trying to be James Bond would be a way slicker way to get hurt. (; Also, no-one laughed when I fell over which made me sad. Like, seriously, dudes, way to make me feel more dumb by taking it all super seriously.


linndechir May 12 2013, 22:12:55 UTC
That'd suck, if I wrote something for you and you hated it. ;) Yep, sounds like you really shouldn't try to be Bond, you might hurt yourself. And waaaah, they could have had the decency to laugh at you. ;)


outboxed May 12 2013, 22:19:33 UTC
It reaaaally would. But don't worry, it won't happen. (Unless you suddenly become horrible/write me luridly detailed descriptions of snakes or something.) And, hey, I'm suave enough to be Bond, honest. And oh god, their concern was horribly sincere. Why didn't they laugh at me? Bad times. (;


linndechir May 12 2013, 22:26:09 UTC
I won't write about snakes. I don't even reblog snakes on tumblr, just for youuuuu.
My friends are usually concerned for one second to make sure I'm not seriously hurt, and then they laugh hysterically. ;)


outboxed May 12 2013, 22:31:20 UTC
I am actually very touched by your not reblogging snakes out of consideration for me. A true sign of friendship. (I have 'snake' and 'snakes' tumblr savioured though, so if you wanted to you could just tag yo snakes and we'd be good. ;))
Your friends sounds like they've got the right idea. I was at work when I took my prat fall today though so it was mostly just the security dude earnestly asking me if I wanted to write it down in the 'accident book', presumably, y'know, in case I want to sue the company for my incredible personal injury.


linndechir May 12 2013, 22:33:36 UTC
Okay, good to know. All the snakes. ;) Nah, I'm not even a huge snake fan, just some snakes are cute.
Security dude clearly has the right idea of how to deal with stuff like that.


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