
Jul 13, 2008 21:21

Do you ever dream about fighting for your life? I used to dream of being paralysed- knowing that there was someone in the room while I slept and not being able to move at all- still, shadows, terrified. Until I learned it's an actual sleep disorder and perfectly natural- the cause behind many hallucinatory alien abduction visions and ghost dreams ( Read more... )

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ourmutualfiend July 14 2008, 03:13:50 UTC
It was all crazy twisty double-triple cross spy action! And yes, the last 'scene' of the dream, like the final twist in the movie, was watching a black car drive up with a 'Steve Zizou' white-bearded Murray in the window.

And I knew, I knew that we must kill him.

I love you too little chica Ni :)


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ourmutualfiend July 14 2008, 03:24:49 UTC
I've been having a lot of fight dreams. I used to dream about the end of the world. Wonder what my sleeping brain is trying to tell me :D


cabari July 14 2008, 11:00:09 UTC
Last night I had a dream that me and my friend were Sam and Dean from Supernatural, and were being chased by... uh, I think Satan? But then she had a friend call on her cell phone and read off an exorcism and it was okay... til then next demon came out. They at least fed us cake.


ourmutualfiend July 14 2008, 15:39:15 UTC
Aren't celebrity dreams the most fun? Especially if they are chase/fight dreams? Though I had one last fall where I dreamt I was washing Prince's hair and giving him a blow dry with my fingers and then I woke up with my hands in the air, shaking and waving about.


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