Name: Danie (pronounced like "Dani")
Age: 21
Strengths: optimistic, friendly, honest, sincere, loyal, compassionate, patient with others, book smart, dependable, hardworking, energetic, frugal, big vocabulary, passionate
Weaknesses: stubborn, blunt, melodramatic, impatient with myself, overly sensitive, spastic, head in the clouds, fails at romance, trusting to a fault, illogical, foolishly expects everything to work out regardless of the circumstances and then is crushed when they don't, occasionally childish, gets really excited about starting new projects and then abandons them in favor of starting something new
What type do you think you would be?: Geez, do I have to? XD I'd probably be the "natural type" because I'm usually very sincere with people and hate to put on airs. I just be myself and if that's not good enough, then who cares?
Who's your favourite character? (optional): Waaaa, I love them all! I like Tamaki and Haruhi best because they're both so lively and fun and fresh. And both of them are, in their own ways, the cutest things in the whole series X3
Who's your least favourite character (who don't you want to be stamped as): Hikaru /: He loves Haruhi but doesn't seem to really care about her feelings, regardless of his mature actions in chapter 78.
Introverted or Extroverted: extroverted
Logical or Emotional: emotional
Flaboyant or Reserved: flamboyant
Melodramatic or low-key: melodramatic
Optimistic or Pessimistic: optimistic
Obsessive or Easygoing: obsessive, though I'm easygoing to some degree XD I just... tend to freak out and obsess over inappropriate situations. It makes my family go "DX"
[x] Zany
[] Reserved
[x] Intelligent (is it presumptuous of me to check this one? ^^;)
[x] Intuitive
[] Rich
[x] Poor
[x] Colorful
Anything else?: If it's not too much trouble... um... if you guys would give me reasons for why you vote me as a particular character, I'd really appreciate it 8D *stares*
Link to three apps you've voted on (ignore if there aren't any to vote on):
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