Name: Mona
Age: 34. Ha! I'm old comparatively.
Strengths: Let's see. I'm creative and intelligent, but I don't beat people over the head with it. I'm an honest and very giving person. I quietly but fiercely protect the people I care about -- I definitely have that "Mama Bear" mentality. I've got a very healthy sense of humor and love to make people laugh. I'm also terribly silly. I'm often the person that others come to for opinions and advice.
Weaknesses: Remember that giving thing I mentioned before? Sometimes I'm selfless to a fault: I'll give and give until there's nothing left for myself. I have a tendency to keep things bottled up until they make me sick and then I just spew anger and hurt feelings on people around me. I can be clingy. And a worrier. Um. I can be pretty insecure about my abilities and need a lot of reassurance and validation from others. :sigh: And I flail a lot.
What type do you think you would be?(i.e:"Prince type"): My "type?" Is there a "best friend" type? LOL. I make a great best friend.
Who's your favourite character? (optional): Gah. It's really split down the middle between Kyouya and Tamaki. I love them both so much.
Who's your least favourite character (who don't you want to be stamped as): Renge. She irritates the living f**k out of me. Sorry.
Introverted or Extroverted: Extroverted.
Logical or Emotional: Emotional
Flamboyant or Reserved: Er. It depends on what I'm reacting to. Mostly reserved, but if it's regarding something I fangirl over, watch out. You could get smacked in the face from my flailing.
Melodramatic or low-key: Low-key
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
Obsessive or Easygoing: Again, it can vary depending on the situation, but I'd say easygoing.
[x] Zany
[] Reserved
[x] Intelligent
[x] Intuitive
[] Rich
[] Poor
[x] Colorful
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