~The Basics~
Name: Natasha
Nickname/s: Sasha (no one uses my birthname)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? Don't mind =D
Likes: Drawing, Manga, listening to Rock/melodic metal) music. Pretty-boys//Long haired guys//Goth boys X3 Films, SWEETS! X3 Cartoons, Films, Snow, Hot-showers and hot tubs. Ghost Stories, Old Buildings, Tarot, Myths and Mysteries.
Dislikes: R&B/HipHop/Garage/House Music. Rude-Boy slang (don't understand!). Medicine, Feeling unwanted. Bacon/Ham, Personal Mood swings.
Fears: Everything D: lol.... Emus/Ostriches, Feeling Unloved, being alone.
Deep murky water even if I can swim extermly well it takes me along while to pluck up to go and swim in water that is murky, as don't know what is in there o_o aka I once swam where there where Piranhas! this fear stopped me enjoying swimming with dolphins D:
Goals/Dreams: working in the media industry been 6 years of study! I want to travel to countries I have never been and revisit those I have like Finland <3 ^__^ I would like a nice life with a family in the future?
Talents: I don't concern myself to have any talents whenever as I do, I get proved wrong.
Hobbies: Drawing - I've cut out most now as have no time. Theatre was huge in my life (where I worked backstage and trained kids), I wish to take up swimming and hockey once more. I would love to learn how to ice skate as there is an ice rink at the castle in my town and I can't go ;_;
Strengths: Good tolerance for children and always try my best.
Weaknesses: Gulliable, Self-Confronting, Pessimistic, Uber-Anxious, I am eager to please others which limits my own ambitions and desires so end up upsetting myself deeply.
Shy or Outgoing: I say reserved, I try and hang back but will jump in if I am enthusiastic.
Calm or Energetic: I have alot of engery but I try and stay calm as much as I can as I get uber anxious.
Controlled or Impulsive: Common Sense reigns over this, what ever it says tells me to jump in or think.
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Pessimistic
Decisive or Indecisive: Indecisive
Mature or Immature: Mixture - I can act very mature but I like alot of "immature" things.
Messy or Clean: abit of both - at work I am clean as it's work the place has to eb clean!
Leader Or Follower: Abit of both.I get very self-consious when I realise I am leading and unsure if I am in a leading in a postion that I am not used to, when am leading in a posotion I am (like being on a shoot) I can be forceful. But I am not to ego-drived to stop myself taking a backseat and follow and do everything I can to help those who I am following. I don't mind being a follower.
Night or Day Person: Abit of both - I like my sleep if I don't have to be anywhere in the mornings i can quite happily sleep until the afternoon. I like the night when it's quiet and you can see the stars.
Indoors or Outdoors: Indoors, I know unhealthly
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: Loyal, Gullaibe, Sweet, Pessimistic, thoughtful
~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite- Black, Silver, Purple and Blue =D
Least Favorite - PINK XP
Favorite- My favourite food changes every month. I love sweets and noddles o-o
Least Favorite - Bacon/Ham Ick ick, anything that contains an animals internal organs, most fish and blue cheeses.
Favorite- Tigers esp white ones. (also wolves/reindeer/giraffe)
Least Favorite - Insects D: Emus and Ostriches.
Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- I like alot of the people it's hard to explain my reasons but Kyouya, Mori, Haruhi and the twins (yay for twins I'm one too ^^ but my twin is a boy)
Least Favorite - (meaning not necessarily the hated one, just the one you least favor or the one you would least like in real life) I know it sounds bad but Hunny and Tamaki are alittle too "bouncy" for me if I met them in real life but I like watching thm and sure I could tolerate them for some time if I where to meet them. but not for too long I would most likly want to be as far away as possible
Non-Host Club Member And Why: (meaning those that aren't actual members of the host club.)
Favorite- agains hard to explain my reaons but I adore Ristu and Umehito. I like men with long hair (adore it) and I love the fact that behind this "persona" built around him, Ritsu he's a really nice guy willing to please, he's a sweetherat X3 Umehito can totaly relate to the whole "evil beam" thing I burn really quickly in bright sunlight and it hurts my eyes.
Least Favorite - Renge too girlie for me I am on the tomboy side.
Favorite Quote(s):
In my dreams your mine to keep. (Nightwish Lyrics)
…has the intellectual capacity of a squashed apricot. (Blackadder 3rd)
How would you describe yourself? Erm see above at the words for personality that should gives you a clue?
How do people usually describe you? Ah this is a tough one because you don't really get to know what others thing about you? You normaly only hear the good stuff they say to your face or bad stuff if they are bullying you.
Because I am so self-critical I tend to ignore anything good that is said about me o_o maybe I am helpful and kind? I don't know.
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? There are ALOT of things that need changing in this world. Maybe stop wars espically the currnet ones that started on false information.
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Everything! this is the worse question to ask somone who thinks like me. Maybe be alittle taller o.o
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt of ¥8,000,000 was paid off? I at first would majorly panic that I broke it and most likly try and desperatly fix it even if it was a vain attempt, but I would except my punishment and work it off if I cannot afford to replace it.
~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself:
No I really bundle myself up like this, not just for a photo.
Me in Helsinki <3
I have no recent photos as just had my hair cut - it's short and peter pan-esque messy it's waiting to be dyed so not taking any photos until I have dyed it.
Anything Else: (anything at all? maybe you have more to tell us more about yourself that you don't thing you covered well enough?)
The 3 apps you voted on: