"Can you see Haruhi with Tamaki 24/7?"

Dec 18, 2007 21:25

~The Basics~
Name: Rebecca
Nickname(s): Tips, Pagie, Page
Age: 16
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? Not at all

Likes: Movies, dogs, wolves, comedy, dragons, ranting, mythical beings, manga, fantasy and horror books.
Dislikes: Chick flicks, make-up, people who take themselves too seriously (this is not including me of course i take myself very seriously)
Fears: Spiders, ghosts
Goals/Dreams: To be a published author.

Talents: Drawing, writing
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, reading.
Strengths:Honest, realistic, imaginative, creative, polite, focused
Weaknesses: Obsessive, self-absorbed, careless, clumsy

Shy or Outgoing: Shy if you dont know me but outgoing if i do know you
Calm or Energetic: Energetic with some calmness
Controlled or Impulsive: Impulsive unless its serious
Pessimistic or Optimistic: Pessimistic its so much easier to be let down like that.
Decisive or Indecisive:Decisive until i am actually faced with the options, for example i usually want a book but when faced with the option of buying the book i usually dont because i think that i may want to save up for something else instead and then the next day i want the book again.
Mature or Immature: A mixture but perhaps more immature.
Messy or Clean: Somewhere in between
Leader Or Follower: I am an individual! This is mostly a mixture of not wanting to drag people down if i am wrong and a belief that people are only good as canon fodder.
Night or Day Person: Night
Indoors or Outdoors: Indoors
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: Spastic, random, obsessive and witty

~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite- Purple
Least Favorite - Pink

Favorite- Hot chocolate fudge cake eee with vanilla icecream
Least Favorite - Anything thats green

Favorite- Dragon (does that count?) if not  a wolf
Least Favorite - Rabbits they stink and shit a lot

Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- I like the spaz guy Tamakihe's funny and i hope he gets with that weird creature thing (Haruhi)
Least Favorite - (meaning not necessarily the hated one, just the one you least favor or the one you would least like in real life) Kyouya guy with glasses he's creepy not in a good way

Non-Host Club Member And Why: (meaning those that aren't actual members of the host club.)
Favorite- Nekozawa vampire dude he's just funny
Least Favorite - pillar thing Renge (why does she have a transportable pillar wherever she goes...it makes it look like some alien from outer space is desceding and i dont want to go up and greet that alien...probably just shoot its brains out) <<<< reason

Favorite Quote(s): "Murderers light light"

How would you describe yourself? I thought i already answered that! See above for reference
How do people usually describe you? Very obsessive, quite strange, very almost painfully shy but can make interesting conversation <<< notice the word can....against almost anything until shown and then jumps on the bandwagon (basically she wont be bothered about something until she herself experiences first hand). FEMINIST *it burns*
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? Its size...i'd make it bigger and i'd put more ice on the icecaps and take a whole lot of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? I'd give myself the ability to change shape.
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt (of ¥8,000,000) was paid off? Id tell them excatly where they could go shove themselves but i m ight as well go through with it to get out of wearing the girls uniform (c'mon face it they look like blle from beauty and the beast only not as nice)

~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself: Blonde/brown hair, blue eyes, round face and medium height
Anything Else: (anything at all? maybe you have more to tell us more about yourself that you don't thing you covered well enough?) No not really
The 3 apps you voted on: (please edit in a 3 full links if there wasn't a full 3 when you first submitted your application here to vote on. Note that you will not be stamped till 3 apps are linked below.)
1 - http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/184332.html?view=1572876#t1572876
2 - http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/183623.html?view=1573191#t1573191
3 -  http://community.livejournal.com/ouran_stampingz/182958.html?view=1573550#t1573550

~ mister_monday //kasanoda wrote this under my dictation and she got free reign on how do people usually describe you (which she enjoyed very much ^0^)

stamped, nekozawa

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