can you see haruhi with tamaki 24/7?

Dec 18, 2007 14:31

~The Basics~
Name: elizabeth
Nickname(s): lizzy
Age: 21
Gender: girl
Do you have a preference for the gender of the character you will be voted as? no

Likes: design, art and crafts, decorating, pretty things, relaxing, spas, fairy tales, dolls, painting, sculpture, museums, graphics, video games, singing, music, sports, internet, television, comfortable furniture, cultural studies, costume design, gameboy, comic books, other random nerdy activities
Dislikes: animals, getting sick, being stressed out, nature shows
Fears: most animals, failure, embarrassing myself
Goals/Dreams: to be an interior designer or architect :)

Talents: arts, running, sprints, hurdles, decorating, teaching others, languages
Hobbies: drawing, videogames, and sometimes ice skating
Strengths: girly (i see this as a strength :),) making things look nice, passionate, polite
Weaknesses: bad temper, no willpower, immaturity

Shy or Outgoing: more shy i think until i get to know you, then i'm outgoing. i'm hard to get to now but once you get past that i'm quite fun and open.
Calm or Energetic: calm about most things
Controlled or Impulsive: that depends
Pessimistic or Optimistic: in the middle
Decisive or Indecisive: indecisive
Mature or Immature: immature mostly, but i have my moments
Messy or Clean: organized chaos :)
Leader Or Follower: i prefer to follow the lead of others
Night or Day Person: day
Indoors or Outdoors: outdoors. nature is so beautiful.
Your Overall Personality In Three Up To Six Words: nervous, artsy, gentle, immature, polite, modest

~Favorite/Least Favorite~
Favorite- light blue
Least Favorite - i think all colors are quite nice when used properly actually

Favorite- sweets
Least Favorite - anything really heavy like curry or burritos

Favorite- birds
Least Favorite - sharks

Host Club Member And Why:
Favorite- kaoru and hikaru. kaoru because he's calm and mature and seems kind without being too overly pushy. hikaru because he feels very deeply even though he lacks the ability to really show it.
Least Favorite - (meaning not necessarily the hated one, just the one you least favor or the one you would least like in real life) kyouya. people like him make me nervous.

Non-Host Club Member And Why: (meaning those that aren't actual members of the host club.)
Favorite- kasanoda. he just needed to be understood and i can relate to that.
Least Favorite - i don't remember his name but the head of the newspapr club.

Favorite Quote(s):

How would you describe yourself? gentle, artsy, misunderstood
How do people usually describe you? arsty, nervous shy, modest
If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? hm that's tough. i don't really know off of the top of my head
If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? to be more able to stand by myself without relying on others as a crutch.
Put yourself in Haruhi’s position when she accidentally knocked over and broke the vase. How would you react to breaking it and being forced to become the Host Club's dog in till the debt (of ¥8,000,000) was paid off? be very nervous and try to make excuses for why i couldn't?

~Last Three~
Include A Picture Or Describe Yourself: sorry, i don't put pictures of mysel online.
Anything Else: (anything at all? maybe you have more to tell us more about yourself that you don't thing you covered well enough?) thank you for voting?
The 3 apps you voted on: (please edit in a 3 full links if there wasn't a full 3 when you first submitted your application here to vote on. Note that you will not be stamped till 3 apps are linked below.)
1 -
2 -
3 -

mori, stamped

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