Aug 02, 2006 11:56
so i guess carpet melts when you iron on it.
Jul 08, 2006 10:35
i decided to stay home last night and watch a movie on our new couch. i ended up eating half a bucket of cat cookies for people from trader joes. i ate so many that i had cotton mouth for the rest of the night. they were delicious.
i'm boycotting calories from now on.
or maybe just until lunch.
Jul 03, 2006 12:57
i bought aroma therapy shaving cream. who does that? really.
Jul 03, 2006 01:01
i have no perception of time. i'm always late. it should be expected.
Jul 02, 2006 02:00
last night a 9 year selling candy called me short outside the club and tonight i fell three times at the roller skating rink. anything that involves me looking like an idiot is usually fun. i'm really lucky to have wes and mike as friends.
Jun 30, 2006 16:23
my toaster broke so i had to toast my toast in the oven. and consider this: EVERYONE thinks they look good when they leave the house.
Jun 10, 2006 00:37
incompetent people irritate me, as well as lovehandles. responsibility sucks. or maybe i just do. HEADACHES TUMMYACHES BACKACHES write the structure of my day. blah blah la de da. who reads this shit anyway?
Jun 06, 2006 10:06
i saw a bum with the raddest t-shirt on. i almost traded my house keys for it.
Jun 05, 2006 11:04
(insert vague pseudo poetic post here)