Full Circle

Aug 22, 2007 23:11

DH spoilers.

Title: Full Circle
Word Count: 500
Rating: G
Pairing: Lupin/Tonks
Prompt: Canon wedding not seen in the books

I, Remus Lupin, take thee, Nymphadora Tonks, to be my wife,

His mind was spinning. It had only been three days since he had realized she was pregnant. Since he had picked up on the change in her scent, a change she wouldn't realize was happening for at least another week. He asked her to marry him almost immediately, without thinking. Without telling her she was pregnant.

to have and to hold from this day forward;

They had been in bed when he asked her, her small body curled into his. When he whispered the question softly into her ear, she rolled over and stared at him in wonder. Seconds later, she was squealing and hugging him, her hair a bright shimmering pink, and for a moment, he was as happy as she was. Then he remembered what he was. He kept a fake smile on his face as she chattered happily to him, and he began to wonder what he was doing. The doubts crept in. If she married him, she’d never be this happy again …

for better or for worse,

Dora’s eyes were shining up at him, and he gazed back steadily as he said the words, not letting his face betray his thoughts. Why didn’t she realize the child would be better off without him, without his stigma? And if the child did turn out to be … like him ... she could lie to everyone, tell them of another father, one it wouldn’t be ashamed of. But not if he was in the picture. He would make her and his child outcasts.

for richer or for poorer,

Things had moved too quickly after she said yes. She had wanted to do it soon, she said, because of the war. He thought she might have realized he would back out, given enough time. He hadn’t been able to get her a ring, just like he’d never be able to support them. Aurors made little enough - Dora would need every bit of that for her and the child. He would just be leeching off of them in between the short periods he could find work. It wasn't too late - she could still make a good marriage, to someone who could give her what she needed. What he couldn’t.

in sickness and in health;

Why had he thought he could protect them both by marrying her? His ability to guard over them would wax and wane with the moon every month. And if for some reason he couldn’t take the Wolfsbane … What was he doing? His anguish spilled over, and a few tears escaped his eyes. Dora smiled at him, brushing the tears away lovingly.

to love and to cherish,

He loved her too much to do this to her. He needed to stop the ceremony, now. But the words were nearly said. It was too late. He had doomed her from the moment he fell in love with her.

as long as we both shall live.
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