Title Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,068 Summary: "You've seen what's starting to emerge from the shadows."
Okay. I've commented before on how much I love this fic, and I'm definitely still keeping tabs on it, it's wonderful. While rereading some earlier chapters today, though, I noticed a couple of errors. I noticed them on previous readthroughs, but for whatever reason I never posted them. Castiel frowned. "I did not think it was a full moon in this part of the world." This is the one that particularly bothers me, though it's an honest enough mistake. It takes the moon a month to go through its phases because that's how long it takes to get around the Earth. A lunar day is one month. This means that at any given time, the moon will be in the same phase, no matter where you are on Earth, so Cas should be saying something along the lines of "I did not think it was a full moon at the moment." or some such thing. As it stands, it sounds sort of off to my astronomer ears. Sorry if that seems nitpicky... Actually, it kind of is. "Have you considered that maybe Sam isn't work it either?" I think you meant worth it. Minor typo, but perhaps worth
" It sounded like anything else Castiel might say, but something about the tone had Dean looking up and he caught a hint of laughter in the angel's eyes." Awww! Wittle Cassie's developing a sense of adorable humor! He knows what Dean meant and he said his usual Cas-esque line as a joke! :3 that's just adorable!!!
Comments 33
Castiel frowned. "I did not think it was a full moon in this part of the world."
This is the one that particularly bothers me, though it's an honest enough mistake. It takes the moon a month to go through its phases because that's how long it takes to get around the Earth. A lunar day is one month. This means that at any given time, the moon will be in the same phase, no matter where you are on Earth, so Cas should be saying something along the lines of "I did not think it was a full moon at the moment." or some such thing. As it stands, it sounds sort of off to my astronomer ears. Sorry if that seems nitpicky... Actually, it kind of is.
"Have you considered that maybe Sam isn't work it either?"
I think you meant worth it. Minor typo, but perhaps worth
" It sounded like anything else Castiel might say, but something about the tone had Dean looking up and he caught a hint of laughter in the angel's eyes."
Awww! Wittle Cassie's developing a sense of adorable humor! He knows what Dean meant and he said his usual Cas-esque line as a joke! :3 that's just adorable!!!
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