Title Unexpected Destinies Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: up to and including Exile on Main St., AU from the end of season 5 Warnings: AU, slash Word Count: 2,068 Summary: "You've seen what's starting to emerge from the shadows."
Thanks! Yeah, Cas really does care and Dean can't quite see that. Nope, me neither, but after that episode I'm seriously starting to wonder if there isn't something else going on that we just don't know about yet. Perhaps he's back on the demon blood? He had to chug quite a lot of it before letting Lucifer in, so it could be he's addicted again, addicts go back all the time. Or perhaps there's a part of Lucifer in him? Or this is just the result of having been exposed to that type of evil. Something just seemed a bit off to me. I think there's more going on than the writers want us to know about at the moment. That's not to say that I don't for a moment believe that Sam couldn't be like this on his own, there was just something there. We'll see though.
Nah, that wasn't it, I can see Sam being there on his own and then the smile would have been of an opportunity opening up. But I'm just thinking of the way the writers normally work in this series.
Uhm... English it's not my native language and here it's 3 am, so my comment is simple and short: thank you, your story is beautiful. Dean and Cas are just love <3 I've favourited it ^^
WOAH SNAP! Haha the interaction between Cas and Dean is awesome. Have I said that already? I don't remember... well, I'll say it again cuz IT'S TRUE. :D
The werewolf fight was awesome. I loved Dean's anger when the Impala was scratched. Cas healing Dean and worrying about his drinking is endearing. Also, Cas is right that Sam isn't worth it.
Thanks! Well, she's his baby so he'd be furious. If you're up-to-date with the show and saw this week's episode we got that confirmed again, didn't we? Sam's never been worth it as far as I'm concerned, but poor Dean has always been good to him.
Comments 33
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Nope, me neither, but after that episode I'm seriously starting to wonder if there isn't something else going on that we just don't know about yet. Perhaps he's back on the demon blood? He had to chug quite a lot of it before letting Lucifer in, so it could be he's addicted again, addicts go back all the time. Or perhaps there's a part of Lucifer in him? Or this is just the result of having been exposed to that type of evil. Something just seemed a bit off to me. I think there's more going on than the writers want us to know about at the moment.
That's not to say that I don't for a moment believe that Sam couldn't be like this on his own, there was just something there. We'll see though.
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Sam's never been worth it as far as I'm concerned, but poor Dean has always been good to him.
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