zopp-san's Diary on July 27, 2010

Jul 27, 2010 08:25

Konbachiwa oTOMOdachi! I've been I heard P-sama is going to be in Recomen this week, and also he'll be in Nagoya as well as Osaka to promote One in a Million. We'd love to see you more but please don't over work yourself my prince! (^人^)

zopp-san's Diary on July 27, 2010

Here we go again! Our beloved zopp-san has spoken once again. Having said that, I though he's gonna talk about his song more, but he didn't. Anyways, I have translated it. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The translation might not be entirely accurate. Please let me know if you find any misinterpretation. Thank you!
ー(*- -)(*_ _)ヘ

Spanish Song Trilogy
July 27 [Tue], 2010, 0:07

The song "Kuchizuke de Adios" whom I (zopp) wrote has been recorded in "One in a million / Yamashita Tomohisa". It will be released tomorrow *clap hands*

This song is the continuation of "Seishun Amigo" and "Daite Senorita"
I have been advertising this in various places

Personally, I love this style of lyrics
I am not exaggerating to say that this shows my true worth
I want to continue to write in this style and I think I will continue to do so.


This story

has come to an end (maybe)

Don't miss the ending of the Spanish Song Triology!!

oTOMOdachi0409: Oh no! This is it?! Please don't let this story end my dear zopp-san!!

Today's Japanese Lesson

Vocabulary: 真骨頂(shinkocchō)
Intonation: SHIN KO ccho~
Meaning: showing one's true worth

Vocabulary: 歌謡(kayō)
Intonation: ka YO~
Meaning: song, ballad

Vocabulary: 三部作(sanbusaku)
Intonation: SAN BU saku
Meaning: trilogy
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