OK, so this is a prequel to
Father Barney, my evil depraved PWP. It's also kind of a sequel to my drabblethon entry over
here. There's a few problems with continuity, but who even cares. I hereby baptize (lol irony) this "Catholic kink verse". Anyway, kind of inspired by
snogged, who wanted Barney/Robin "dress up".
Title: Dress Up
Fandom: HIMYM
Pairing: established Barney/Robin
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 250
Warnings: language, sexual discussion
Summary: Robin finds Barney's closet full of costumes.
“Jesus, Barney. How many costumes do you have in here?” Robin flicked through the outfits. Some were fairly innocent - probably discarded Halloween costumes - but others were... not.
Barney walked into the suit room. He looked in the closet, not even trying to be shocked.
“You know, I think some of those might be your size.”
“You’re sick. You know that, right?”
“Yeah. But that’s what you like about me.” Barney flicked through the outfits, and Robin smiled, in spite of herself. Because she did like it. Once she got over being horribly offended, anyway.
“Hey, I totally forgot about the schoolgirl outfit.” Barney pulled out the hanger. “Remember that time when you needed me to get you out of a date?”
“Vividly,” Robin said. “I can’t believe you pulled daddy kink on me on the phone.”
Barney shrugged. “What, would you rather me try it in person? Because I am totally in favor of that.”
They hadn’t done much role-playing in the past. Sure, Barney had his thing for Kara from Battlestar Galactica, and Robin might have called out “Wayne Gretsky” that one time, but for the most part they were just... them.
But one article of clothing changed her mind.
“Only if you wear the priest outfit.”
Thank God she’d worn a sexy bra.
Barney grinned. “I didn’t know you were so kinky, Scherbatsky.”
“Hurry up before I decide I’d rather not burn in hell.”
Barney got the costume off the rail. “You’re so awesome.”
Robin smiled. “You, too.”