So, guys. I was over at the March Madness thingy, and I took it way too personally when someone said Barney was just a funny character, with no real depth, and I was like OH NO YOU DIDN'T, so I made a Benefits picspam. Tis over
Let me re-create it for you guys. :D
OK, so in another thread, someone said that Barney was just silliness and catchphrases. So I decided to pull out the definitive proof that this is not true.
Yes, it is a Benefits mini-picspam.
Context: Barney is in love with Robin, his best friend's ex-girlfriend. Robin and Ted have started sleeping together again, and Barney's heart is breaking.
Robin tells Barney that she and Ted have stopped sleeping together: however, she comes to the conclusion that friends can't date. Cue heartbreaking sad!face.
Robin: And Ted's all like --
Barney: I love you.
Robin: Exactly. He's not like you. He can't seperate the emotional and the physical.
So PLEASE. Vote for Barney Stinson. He's not just a funny man.
To end on a happier note:
So, yeah. Uploading and posting those pictures pretty much broke my heart.
(Thanks to
kasuchi for the caps.)