fic-poems! :D

Dec 14, 2009 02:56

Two holiday haikus and one regular haiku :)

Title: White Christmas
Author: otakuwench
Disclaimer: I don't own HP.
Rating: G
Summary: H/D double haiku.
Pairing: Harry/Draco.
Warnings: Fluff (?)
Wordcount: 22
Prompt: Holiday haiku, fun in the snow

Draco decided
to rethink liking Harry
when the snowball hit.

Harry laughed, and kissed
his spluttering mate, and then
said, "Happy Christmas."

Title: Puppy Love
Author: otakuwench
Disclaimer: I don't own HP.
Rating: G
Summary: R/S haiku
Pairing: Sirius/Remus
Warnings: Fluff (?)
Wordcount: 10

"Gerroff," Remus said,
but instead Sirius just
snuggled in closer.

Title: Tricksters
Author: otakuwench
Disclaimer: I don't own HP.
Rating: G
Summary: gen haiku
Characters: Fred and George
Warnings: Fluff (?)
Wordcount: 12
Prompt: Holiday haiku

It was April Fools',
which made Fred and George even
more terrifying.

My headings are longer than the poems themselves... ^^;;... Anyways, hope you like.

(cross-posted to poetic_hp)

haiku, harry potter harry potter yeah, fic: harry potter, fanfiction

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