fic dump!

Dec 14, 2009 02:15

Some fics I wrote. Gurren Lagann and one DNAngel based on the 12th manga. :D

Title: Warmth
Author: otakuwench
Disclaimer: Yukiru Sugisaki is not me; thus, I do not own DNAngel.
Rating: G
Summary: Sometimes Satoshi wonders why he does everything he does for Daisuke.
Pairing: Satoshi/Daisuke
Warnings: Sort of spoilers for Vol. 12? Risa is kidnapped by Argentine, a piece of Hikari artwork that wants to be truly alive; Satoshi offers to help Daisuke rescue her from the trap-ridden tower where she is being held, since the tower is also Hikari designed. There are hidden rivers and stuff and they both fall in and Daisuke gives Satoshi his top shirt to help him keep warm.
Wordcount: 156
Author's Note: Satoshi's last name is Hikari, which means 'light'. This is relevant.

Satoshi can’t for the life of him figure out why he agreed to do this, to help Daisuke save that silly girl, to go willingly into a fight against Argentine when he would rather live and let live… Satoshi looks back at Daisuke out of the corner of his eye. Daisuke catches his glance and smiles at him, a bright grin (even here in this place he is so bright and warm, he is far more worthy than Satoshi of the name ‘light’) and they keep on going in silence. He doesn’t know why he’s here, except that Daisuke had needed his help, and he knows that as long as Daisuke needs him, he’ll be there. He shivers a little (his hair is still wet, after all, and it’s pretty cold) and tugs Daisuke’s shirt more snugly around his shoulders, and the knowledge that it’s Daisuke’s makes him warmer than any damp plaid shirt ever should.

Title: a treatise on the intelligence of the human race (or, did you goddamn monkeys fall out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down?)
Author: otakuwench
Disclaimer: Gurren Lagann is not mine either. D:
Rating: G
Summary: Viral contemplates the stupidity of humans.
Pairing: Simon+Viral (friendship/preslash)
Warnings: vague spoilers?
Wordcount: 162
Prompt: red

Viral stood behind Simon on the bridge of the stupidly huge gunmen, this mech-spacecraft-thing that was supposed to transport them to wherever Simon’s stupid princess was being held captive by the stupid Anti-spirals. He looked around, taking in Yoko’s stupid outfit and Kittan’s stupid expression.

He was pretty sure this entire venture fell pretty short of intelligent.

Yet somehow, standing there behind Simon, looking at the stupid red Team Gurren sigil on the back of his coat (hatefully reminiscent of that stupid human Kamina’s cape) he was surprised to feel the slightest stirrings of hope. What the hell, he thought. We might even win. It’s not like probability means anything to these monkeys anyway.

Simon turned to him, a fierce grin on his face as he began barking out orders, and Viral found he couldn’t help but offer his own sharklike grin in return. This was by far the stupidest thing he’d ever done, but at least he was in good company.

Title: Serenity
Author: otakuwench
Disclaimer: I don't own Gurren Lagann (I also sort of wish I didn't own this fic, it kind of sucks...)
Rating: PG(ish)
Summary: Obligatory catnap fic.
Pairing: Simon/Viral
Warnings: vague spoilers?
Wordcount: 323
Prompt: light
Author's Note: I think this fic is sort of awful and corny, but I'm posting it anyway. :/

“Oi, Viral, I’m back!” Simon shucked off his coat, throwing it over a chair as he strode through the apartment. When there was no answer, he peeked into the other rooms, but with no luck.
“Vira-“ He stopped abruptly as he came into the living room. The room was warm and the late afternoon sun poured into the room through the enormous window. Sprawled in the pool of light on the floor lay the beastman in question, sound asleep. His customary scowl was gone and his jaw was slack, and he was snoring faintly. His hair looked more golden than blond in the sunlight. A smile rose to Simon’s lips as he took in the tranquil scene. “A catnap, huh? Well, I guess it make sense.” He plopped down next to his lover, leaning against the couch behind him, and ran a hand gently through Viral’s tangled hair.


A few hours later, a knock came at the door. “Simon? Commander? Are you home?” There was no answer. Dari tried the doorknob halfheartedly. The Commander really needed to see these new reports. To her surprise, the door opened. “Um… Simon-san?” Tentatively, she entered. The lights were on in the kitchen and Simon’s coat was there on the chair but she saw no one. She was just about to leave the papers on the table and get going when she heard a snuffling snore from the next room. She peeked in. The room was dark, but there on the floor she could see that the apartment’s inhabitants were sleeping soundly. Viral was snoring curled up catlike next to Simon, who had his hand on Viral’s hair. Simon’s head was tilted back against the couch and he was drooling just a little bit. “Oh my god,” Dari said disgustedly to herself. “Do they have to be so damn cute?” She sighed melodramatically and tossed the documents on the kitchen table on her way out.

Title: Consolation
Author: otakuwench
Disclaimer: I don't own Gurren Lagann...
Rating: PG
Summary: Simon is mourning. Viral tries to help.
Pairing: Viral/Simon (if order matters...)
Warnings: spoilers for ep. 8
Wordcount: 364
Author's Note: Ahh dialogue! I suck at it, why do you think I write drabbles? D: D: D: ...does it suck a lot? Also, 'sup present tense? (wtf?)

Viral finds Simon sitting at the base of the enormous Kamina statue, his head in his hands. The city’s bright lights are less glaring here, and Simon’s face is in shadow. Viral sits next to him.

“I still can’t believe he’s gone, sometimes.”

Viral restrains himself from rolling his eyes and groaning. It’s a close thing. “Don’t look at me for comfort, I couldn’t stand the guy.”

Simon looks at him sharply. Viral wonders belatedly if he’s been too harsh, but when Simon speaks there’s a faint edge of humor to his voice. “You’re not very good at comforting the bereaved, you know. Anyway, Bro’s practically your family now too. What do you think he would say if he knew?”

This time Viral does roll his eyes. “What, that we’re sleeping together?” He stands up and yells in the general direction of the statue’s head. “Oi, Mighty Kamina-sama, the terrible beastman Viral’s fucking your precious little brother!”

The statue is predictably silent.

“Hey, Simon, it looks like he doesn’t really care.” Viral grins toothily.

“If he was here, he’d beat the shit out of you.” Viral can hear the grin in Simon’s voice, and he feels relieved at first that Simon is no longer depressed and then mildly alarmed that he cares enough to feel relieved. None of this stops him from retorting, however.

“Like I’d let that monkey get anywhere near me.” Simon opens his mouth, presumably to point out all the times when that monkey not only got near Viral but in fact kicked his ass, but thinks better of it. Instead he just shakes his head a little in amusement.

“…You’re ridiculous.”

“Ehhh, but you like me anyway,” Viral says dismissively. “Come on, let’s go home.” He offers Simon a clawed hand, which the human accepts.

Simon stands. Suddenly serious, he catches Viral’s gaze. “Thanks.” He offers a small smile.

“Whatever. It’s cold out and I’m freezing. Let’s get out of her-“ Simon’s lips are unexpectedly warm, and Viral relaxes into the kiss. Kamina’s statue looms over them impassively.

And if they walk back hand in hand, who is there to see but the statue?


(In another dimension somewhere, Kamina fumes.)


believe in me who believes in you, fic: dnangel, fic: gurren lagann, anime, fanfiction

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