
Feb 13, 2009 14:47

It's a gorgeous day outside right now. A bit chilly, but very early springish. I just finished working out, I'm in Canadia waiting for the best boyfriend ever to get home and I feel awesome. I think I'm going to try to convince said awesome (also hawt) boyfriend to go for a walk along the river with me after he gets home. :3 ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

frostscar February 13 2009, 20:35:44 UTC
the path is probably underwater...


osprey_cat February 13 2009, 20:41:40 UTC
Sad pandas. :( Why must you always shatter my dreams. Bad Frost, no cookie.


frostscar February 13 2009, 21:57:03 UTC
aww... *puppy eyes* but I like the cookies =(


imandunewen February 13 2009, 21:18:54 UTC
mmmm... cake. but is it as fun as last year's cake? :)


nemetfox February 13 2009, 23:00:19 UTC
D'awww :)


datahawk February 13 2009, 23:48:48 UTC
I'm sorry you are incorrect, I have the best boyfriend evar :D


imandunewen February 14 2009, 00:15:14 UTC
i think you both made out pretty darn well... can't we all agree to disagree? can't we all get along on this most blessed of hallmark holidays?


rozberk February 14 2009, 17:46:04 UTC
Sounds like an awesome day! You're a lucky girl.


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