
Feb 27, 2012 03:34

Well, much as I resent it, things unfolded in the C-Group about as I thought they would ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

keppiehed February 27 2012, 15:48:27 UTC
:( I'm sorry you are going through a rough patch. I don't understand the details, but it is clear you are struggling. It sounds as if you care about the people around you and you are trying very hard to do the right thing, and you are putting very much thoughtful consideration into being the best person you can be. That is all any of us can do. I might remind you that we are all fallible, and it is only through making mistakes that we learn, so please try to be kind to yourself. Everyone alongside you is also making mistakes, they just don't want to show it. So you are in good company. No one expects perfection, just that you are willing to learn and keep trying to make things right. It sounds like you are trying very hard to talk things out with your loved ones and have a lot of patience. What more could anyone ask? It sounds as if you are ahead of the game, when you consider it that way. *hugs*


osoreranai February 27 2012, 23:28:42 UTC
It's all right. Um, the details are as follows: I saw a woman who I thought needed defending. I tried to defend her in the one way I knew to make a difference. It turns out I was the only one who thought that way. I wrote a huge rant about it on Friday, so, the in depth stuff is over there.

I just. I figured, after writing all that, that I had a responsibility to my friends in the group to let them know where my heart was. For their sake.


dungeonwriter February 28 2012, 02:47:30 UTC
Great Ghost of Ceasar, I think you did the right thing.

Seriously, I may be only an Old Testement expert, but I don't recall a passive Jesus. I recall a Jesus calling out people and chasing the money lenders out of the temple. You defended a friend who was being bullied. If she felt you did wrong, that's her business.

But I think you behaved perfectly and stopped someone from being bullied. You're a hero in my eyes.

Please don't self flagalate.


osoreranai February 28 2012, 15:48:25 UTC
I know, right! You'd think that they would remember stuff like that. But they needed someone to fall on the sword, so to speak, and since I'm the only one who spoke up to claim responsibility for his actions, it ended up being me.

I'd do it again. In the meantime, we're going to have to see how this 'don't sit next to the guy' strategy will work.

Don't worry. The whip's been put away. Ain't gonna happen no more. For a while, anyway. :D


dungeonwriter February 28 2012, 16:27:25 UTC
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." Matthew 7:21

They should read that verse a few times.


osoreranai February 28 2012, 16:55:28 UTC
I'm sure they have. At the same time, I'm convinced that the execution of controlled violence as a gesture of restraint is probably not an action that occurs to them, so.

We're all trying to do the right thing here. It's just that this time, I'm the outlier.


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