Happy Belated Mother's Day! and FMA:B Episode 5

May 11, 2009 06:32

I hope you all had a happy day, whether you are a mother or have a mother. This short and sweet poem always makes me smile.

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I finally had a chance to watch Episode 5 of FMA:B on Funimation, and I thought it was the best one yet. ( More behind the cut. Spoilers, you know. )


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Comments 2

wind_storms May 12 2009, 11:47:35 UTC
orion117 May 12 2009, 12:42:55 UTC
Yes, the Scar attack was just as bad. A little different, because Ed had never seen or heard of Scar at that point, so his attack on the boys came out of the blue. Al still lost most of his body, and Ed lost his arm and was way too accepting of his imminent death, and then Al chewed him out afterwards for that. It did make it clear that the military were out looking for Ed and Al when they came upon them in their battle with Scar, whereas in the first anime, it seemed more like they were just strolling around and happened to come upon Ed and Al and Scar fighting.

Hey, some good news! According to this, Moribito will be back on Adult Swim sometime this summer. I hope so.


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