Happy Belated Mother's Day! and FMA:B Episode 5

May 11, 2009 06:32

I hope you all had a happy day, whether you are a mother or have a mother. This short and sweet poem always makes me smile.

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I finally had a chance to watch Episode 5 of FMA:B on Funimation, and I thought it was the best one yet. The pacing was really good, and even though I knew everything that was going to happen in the episode, it still made me gasp in a couple of places. The nightmare, for one, and the appearance of Scar for another. He just showed up there, and I'm thinking, "Oh, that's Scar," and then, "OMG IT'S SCAR HE'S GOING TO KILL THEM!!!" It allowed me to feel a bit of what Ed and Al were feeling as this stranger who was standing there suddenly starts attacking them.

Plus, we got to see Armstrong showing off his amazing fighting technique, which as we all know had been handed down through generations of Armstrongs, along with reactions of Hawkeye and Havoc to the same. Armstrong is one of my favorite characters. Then there was the whole "useless in the rain" sequence, which is always funny. There were lots of good fight sequences as Scar was driven off. I also liked Mustang's acknowledgement to Hughes and his crew that he was hiding the truth of Al's armor from the brass. It's a reminder of what he is risking by protecting the boys in that way.

There were a lot of nice little moments, provided by the menace of Scar's appearance in East City. Hughes was worried about Mustang, and Mustang looks panicked at the thought of Ed and Al not knowing the danger they were in. They served the story well, and they also appealed to the shipper in me.


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