First Hostel

Oct 19, 2011 16:40


✎ a hostel (can accommodate up to 20 guests).
✎ owned by Paul Watkins (goodwith_wood), inherited from Euphemia (pacifisting).
✎ front desk is occupied from 8AM-2PM every day.

✎ Suì-Fēng (supersedure).
✎ Euphemia (prettyimpulsive).
✎ there is security, but it's casual.


✎ PLEASE DO TRACK THIS COMMENT if your character is staying at the first hostel/if you're interested in what goes on there, and feel free to comment in that thread for all your plotting needs!
✎ contact any of the staff characters' players if you have any questions, or leave a comment here.
✎ all credits for the original concept, pictures and information that I've tweaked and butchered over the course of the months goes to Chii ♥♥♥
✎ for reference, old post is here


bigger image
✏ desks/chairs are under the beds, so space is maximized.


✐ a two-story house near the edge of Second District surrounded by fenced-in yard. formerly a kind of run-down place, used for storage and such. it's a nice cream color outside, and there are white shutters on all of the windows. there are windows in each room, along with curtains.

✐ there's a little side section where the garden is. there are four smaller sections to that, veggies and fruits, herbs and then a spare one. whatever fruits/veggies are available are the ones that would be depending on how hot/cold it is in Atia. in the front windowsills of the hostel and on the first floor, with all windows, there are those little flower things that hang outside and there are herbs growing in them, of all kinds.

✐ there is a chicken pen off to the side, nothing big, can hold 10~20 chickens.

✐ breakfast (9 AM) and dinner (6PM) are provided by the hostel. lunch is kind of a "dig in the kitchen and fend for yourself" sort of thing; there's always soup that can be heated up, also fresh bread made every day, etc etc.

✐ the Dining Room has a few tables, five chairs on either side, along with two each on the end. there is also a pantry in that room.

✐ the Kitchen has a stove & oven, sink & counters, drawers, refrigerator and a small pantry. all cutting boards, dish towels, containers, etc are underneath the sink. silverware is in the first drawer to the right, below that would be cooking supplies (measuring cups, measuring spoons, miscellaneous items for cooking).

✐ the Bathroom/Laundry Room on the first floor has two individual showers, two side-by-side sinks and a toilet. (in theory) everyone does their own laundry- if someone is unsure how to, there will be instructions posted just above the washer and just above the dryer for extra help. or just ask the staff. the Bathroom on the second floor has three individual showers, three side-by-side sinks and a three toilets.

✐ there are porches on both floors, with railing so no one falls down, along with two chairs to sit on along with a table


✐ the hostel was originally created to house those who didn't have any money or a place to stay when the time came to be tossed out of the palace. it's also used as a kind of hotel for those who need some time away from where they're currently staying.

✐ the hostel runs on donations from people on the island and any payment people who stay there might give. this means that it runs on donations from both NPCs and from players themselves. the vast majority of the hostel actually was created with the help of players, whose characters donated things. Paul helps by donating money as well.

✐ it isn't free, and while the staff is lenient with the newcomers, eventually your character will have to pay.

✐ however, there is a way out of this! helping out around the hostel is another way to pay, if you'd rather not use money. the hostel is entirely self-run. if you decide to help out around the hostel to pay off your rent/money, assume that you've been assigned your choice of chores-- doing dishes, sweeping, changing sheets, etc etc, little chores like that. nothing that your character might hate.

✐ the hostel is not a house. the employees will do their best to find a place for you at all times but, if your character causes problems to the others, they will be kicked out.

✐ the hostel is pet-friendly.

✐ once you get a room, you will be given a key. there are only enough keys for each person staying in the room, and then there's a copy of those keys, kept hidden. You cannot break into someone else's room, unless A) it is cleared with the people in that room, B) you leave a comment here to let us know what's going on.

first hostel, hostels

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