THE HOSTEL [rooming post]

Nov 04, 2009 14:04

This post is outdated. New post is here.


A hostel
Owned by Paul Watkins, inherited from Euphemia
Hours: front desk is occupied from 8AM-2PM every day.

Euphemia (28h/week), Soi Fong (14h/week).
There is security, but it's casual.


☆ROOM 101☆
⟶   Scanty
⟶   Kneesocks

☆ROOM 102☆⟶   Cecil Harvey

☆ROOM 103☆

☆ROOM 104☆
⟶   Elaine

☆ROOM 201☆
⟶   Folken Fanel

☆ROOM 202☆
⟶   Beatrix
⟶   Garnet/Dagger

☆ROOM 203☆
⟶   Luna Lovegood

☆ROOM 204☆
⟶ (Storage room, can be arranged to be a temporary bedroom in case of necessity).


(clarification: the desks/chairs are under the beds. the beds are lofted up so space is maximized.)

Larger picture is [HERE].


⟶ It's a two-story house near the edge of Second district [picture]; formerly a kind of run-down place, used for storage and such. It's been freshly painted, so it's a nice cream color outside, and there are white shutters on all of the windows. All windows are not blocked off, so PLEASE DON'T FALL OUT OF THEM, FFFF. There are windows in each room, along with curtains. Outside there is also the j ob-board.

⟶ The hostel itself has a fenced-in yard [picture]. It isn't the best fencing (it's more run down than the picture shows obviously), and she's planning on getting it fixed up eventually, but it's doing its job for the most part. It really could use a coat of paint, but lol since it's being replaced, it doesn't really matter.  Fencing is fixed and pretty and white!

⟶ Currently, there's a little side section where the garden is. There are four sections to that, veggies and fruits, herbs and then a spare one. Whatever fruits/veggies are available are the ones that would be depending on how hot/cold it is in Atia. In the front windowsills of the hostel and on the first floor, with all windows, there are those little flower things that hang outside and there are herbs growing in them, of all kinds.

⟶ There is a chicken pen off to the side, but just one, with two chickens. She intends to get more/build more, eventually. Probably when the fencing is done, lol. Chicken coops were built and now they have 10 chickens. 8)

⟶ Breakfast (9 AM) and dinner (6PM) are provided by the hostel. Lunch is kind of a "dig in the kitchen and fend for yourself" sort of thing; there's always soup that can be heated up, also fresh bread made every day, etc etc.


First floor:

⟶ Room 101 ✩
⟶ Triple bedroom. Each bed is high-rise, with a chair that slides under it to go with a slide-out desk, and four drawers for clothing or items. [picture of the bed/desk/drawer trio] There are two windows, curtains over them.

⟶ Room 102 ✩
⟶ Double bedroom. Each bed is high-rise/lofted bed, with a chair that slides under it to go with a slide-out desk, and smaller drawers, but closets to make up for it. (labeled 'wards') [picture of bed/desk/drawers trio]

⟶ Room 103 ✩
⟶ Triple bedroom. Each bed is high-rise, with a chair that slides under it to go with a slide-out desk, and four drawers for clothing or items. There are two windows, curtains over them. This room also has two closets. [picture of bed/desk/drawers trio]

⟶ Room 104 ✩
⟶ Single bedroom. Last to be filled, reserved for someone who may not do well sharing a room with someone. Has one window, curtained.

⟶ Dining Room ✩ Has a table [picture], five chairs on either side, along with two each on the end. There is also a pantry in that room.

⟶ Kitchen ✩ Has a stove & oven [picture], sink & counters [picture], drawers, refrigerator and a small pantry. All cutting boards, dish towels, containers, etc are underneath the sink. Silverware [picture] is in the first drawer to the right, below that would be cooking supplies (measuring cups, measuring spoons, miscellaneous items for cooking).

⟶ Bathroom / Laundry room ✩ Two individual showers [picture obviously of just one], two side-by-side sinks and a toilet [1]. Everyone does their own laundry- if someone is unsure how to, there will be instructions posted just above the washer and just above the dryer for extra help.

⟶ Porch ✩
⟶ A porch, with railing so no one falls down, along with two chairs to sit on along with a table. [picture]

Second floor:

⟶ Room 201 ✩
⟶ Triple bedroom. Each bed is high-rise, with a chair that slides under it to go with a slide-out desk, and small drawers for clothing or items along with two closets [picture of the bed/desk/drawer trio] . There are two windows, curtains over them.

⟶ Room 202 ✩
⟶ Double bedroom. Each bed is high-rise, with a chair that slides under it to go with a slide-out desk, and smaller drawers, but two closets to make up for it. (labeled 'wards') [picture of the bed/desk/drawer trio]

⟶ Room 203 ✩
⟶ Triple bedroom. Each bed is high-rise, with a chair that slides under it to go with a slide-out desk, and four drawers for clothing or items. There are two windows, curtains over them. This room also has one closet.  [picture of the bed/desk/drawer trio]

⟶ Room 204 ✩
⟶ Storage room. Any valuables, anything in your room you might not need (like a lamp or the chair, or something) can be placed in here. There is only one key to this room and you'll need to ask whoever is working at that time for it, and they'll need to be there with you. There's also a bed in there, in case we need extra room, in which case valuables will be moved somewhere else safe.

⟶ Porch ✩
⟶ A porch, with railing so no one falls down, along with two chairs to sit on along with a table. [picture]

⟶ Bathroom(s) ✩
⟶ Three individual showers [picture obviously of just one], three side-by-side sinks and a three toilets [1].


⟶ The hostel was originally created to house those who didn't have any money or a place to stay when the time came to be tossed out of the palace. It's also used as a kind of hotel for those who need some time away from where they're currently staying (like if someone has a fight with their S.O. or something).
⟶ The hostel runs on donations from people on the island and any payment people who stay there might give. This means that it runs on donations from both NPCs and from players themselves. The vast majority of the hostel actually was created with the help of players, whose characters donated things. Paul helps by donating money as well. What you need to understand though, is that it isn't free.
⟶ If it isn't discussed by you and Euphemia in the thread, assume that if you do not have the means to pay, Euphemia will tell you that you can pay when you do have the time. She runs on a trust-based system, which can come to bite her in the ass. If you have a character who would take advantage of her kindness, that's fine! She won't come after you, though. Soi Fong's not as comprehensive as Euphemia, and although she tries to keep the hostel just like it was before Euphemia left, she's not so inclined to be forgiving. She will give you time and try her best to be patient, but eventually characters will need to pay. The price for the hostel isn't expensive at all-- it's enough to get by, enough to pay the people who work there, and enough to cover expenses.

So yeah, this isn't free but, the next section explains how you can get out of paying lol.
⟶ Helping out around the hostel is another way to pay, if you'd rather not use money. The hostel is entirely self-run. If you decide to help out around the hostel to pay off your rent/money, assume that you've been assigned your choice of chores-- doing dishes, sweeping, changing sheets, etc etc, little chores like that. Nothing that your character might hate.
⟶ KEEP IN MIND, this is not a house. This is a place for your character to stay while they find a place that is permanent. Even if it's full, the employees will do their best to find a place for you. But, if your character causes problems to the others, they will be kicked out.

⟶ The hostel is pet-friendly. Especially cat-friendly.
⟶ Once you get a room, you will be given a key. There are only enough keys for each person staying in the room, and then there's a copy of those keys, kept hidden. You cannot break into someone else's room, unless A) it is cleared with the people in that room, B) you leave a comment here to let us know what's going on and C) you double-check doing A&B.


Contact either
Linds/Paul Watkins (good_with_wood)
Cham/Soi Fong (sting_to_death)
if you have any questions.

hostel, the hostel, for characters

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