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Comments 10

trepkos April 20 2019, 08:32:25 UTC
Scan them! I want all mine scanned ... it just takes SO LONG to scan stuff.


debris4spike April 20 2019, 10:58:08 UTC
Mum, Dad and my 2 brothers spent the day with me when I graduated from college (university, now) .... as I did with Mum, for Dad when he got his degrees. But we didn't have Proms etc at school, like they do now.


author_by_night April 20 2019, 11:59:59 UTC
I had no desire to go to Senior Week either. Like I said in my own post, I did have a friend who graduated a year earlier than me, and she stayed with two friends at one of their grandparents' place. That I think was very nice, they weren't right in the middle of all the crazy, and she was with people she trusted not to drag her into things. Though even without the drugs and the booze, I feel like Ocean City's just so crowded and noisy. I have no desire to go at any point, really. I'm too introverted.

The park sounds fun! Yeah, my friend and I went to Hershey Park. So there you go.


limonatafic April 20 2019, 12:50:07 UTC
I like the idea of prompts to keep me on track with lj! Although my posts are so sporadic I probably just need an alarm or something, haha. I would have some trouble with this and it's only been a bit less than 10 years since high school! Maybe because I didn't do a lot of seniory things so it wasn't as memorable as for many, I would imagine. :/


orangerful April 20 2019, 16:54:14 UTC
Sign up for FridayFive on LJ and tell it to email you when they post a new entry. That's what I did and it helps remind me. :)


orangerful April 20 2019, 16:55:46 UTC
ACK! Speaking of, I didn't have your LJ set to email me when you post. It's the only way I can keep up nowadays. I tend to get all caught up on Sun/Mon/Tues and then don't get to read anything again until the weekend. So I prefer the emails to let me know who is posting. SORRY!


limonatafic April 21 2019, 12:54:27 UTC
Aw, no worries! I'm kinda between lj system at the moment, but I used to use the emails, or technically, the lj inbox and mark as read as I went, so I didn't miss anyone - now it's usually overloaded and overwhelming to get through, so I would go through person by person and catch up on their entire life, which was EXTREMELY INEFFICIENT, it turns out, and made it feel like an unappealing and insurmountable task to keep up with my newly expanded f-list. So now I'm trying my friends page, which I've never used in like 11 years of lj.... we'll see!


ragnarok_08 April 20 2019, 19:22:10 UTC
1. Did you enjoy your senior year of high school? Yes, I sure did. On the other hand, it have a rough start when my Dad passed away just weeks after senior year began, and my sister and I took a week off because of this.

2. Did you have a senior trip (high school) and were you able to go on it. My school didn't do that. But I did go to Europe that summer as a graduation gift. :-)

3. Was graduating (from either high school or college/university) a big thing with your family or just another day? Both high school and college graduations were a big thing for my family.

4. What were you looking forward to the most after graduating from either high school or college/university? I was looking forward to graduating from high school the most - those four years were tough, especially with family issues going on, and I was ready to move on.

5. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your graduating self? Don't be so hard on yourself, and try to take another dance class in university when you have time.


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