Friday Five actually on Friday!

Apr 19, 2019 22:58

thefridayfive questions:

1. Did you enjoy your senior year of high school?
I did! Our old band director left, who had a rivalry with the drama teacher, who also left which meant I was able to do band AND drama club without the extra IRL (and frankly immature) drama of that feud. I was drum major of the band so I got to be extra bossy. I remember dressing up for all of the pep rally week...I should probably scan some photos to share. It was a pretty good year. I just went through a bunch of cards I got when I graduated, from friends and family, and they made me feel pretty good.

2. Did you have a senior trip (high school) and were you able to go on it.
I don't think there was an official senior trip and I had no desire to go to Ocean City during "senior week". My friends and I, ever the nerd, drove out to Shenandoah National Park and camped out for the weekend. Full on roughing it. I remember hiking one day and not really factoring in that we would need to hike back and while we were trying to find our way to the campsite, I started singing Disney showtunes to keep my mind occupied. It's amazing any of them wanted to be my friend after that. We also go our first flat tire experience, my friend Amanda actually changed a tire!

3. Was graduating (from either high school or college/university) a big thing with your family or just another day? They made a big deal out of it but it wasn't like I was the first person in my family to reach the milestone. It was expected of me - both high school and college. But my Grandparents drove down from Maine to attend so that was extra special. I don't remember much about the college ceremony, but I wasn't as engaged in college life since I commuted. High school was a bit more emotional because I knew so many people there.

4. What were you looking forward to the most after graduating from either high school or college/university?
I don't really remember. I wasn't really sure what was going to happen with my life after high school except that I was supposed to go to college. In college, I guess it was moving out with my then boyfriend (such a stupid move, but go back in time and try to tell 21 old me any different, I dare you...**facepalm**)

5. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your graduating self?
Don't move out with this guy. Be yourself for awhile, find yourself first. You got this.
...also, you are skinny AF and pretty hot.

Be warned: I'm working on a digital photo program for work and part of me wants to scan ALL my photos to keep them safe...this makes me want start scanning all the photos from my senior year, which happens to have been 20 years ago EEK! WTF! NO!

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fridayfive, memories, about me

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