Title: Surprise After Practice Characters: Cedric/Viktor Rating: PG-13 / NWS Media used: Pencil and 'coloured' in Photoshop Size: 470x629 Notes: For forgotnsuitcase!
Thank you! -grins- Viktor is the ultimate mysterious character to me, he confuses me more than Snape and that's saying something. (Or maybe I'm just easily confused, hmm...)
Very nice - these boys fit together like two puzzle-pieces:) And I really like your clear-cut lines and tender colouring. Tiny remark: Cedric's ear is kinda funny
"I actually have a story to go along with it"
Oooh, now that's interesting:) It would have been great, if you told this story in a nut-shell. I know that most artists draw their pictures following some kind of plot unraveling in their imagination. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes one can only guess at possible implications. But either way it's fun.
Thank you! Now that I look at it again, his ear does look oddly place. =]
For me, the hardest part of drawing, other than the evil that is anatomy, is coming up with the plot/situation that goes along with it. If I don't have one, I tend to not care at all about what I'm doing and eventually give up. With a back story, I feel like the drawing's much more personal and I like that, it gives me motivation. Of course, it being personal makes in 10 times harder to post it in this journal! -laughs-
Comments 14
Tiny remark: Cedric's ear is kinda funny
"I actually have a story to go along with it"
Oooh, now that's interesting:) It would have been great, if you told this story in a nut-shell. I know that most artists draw their pictures following some kind of plot unraveling in their imagination. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes one can only guess at possible implications. But either way it's fun.
And thank you for sharing:)
For me, the hardest part of drawing, other than the evil that is anatomy, is coming up with the plot/situation that goes along with it. If I don't have one, I tend to not care at all about what I'm doing and eventually give up. With a back story, I feel like the drawing's much more personal and I like that, it gives me motivation. Of course, it being personal makes in 10 times harder to post it in this journal! -laughs-
Thank you again more commenting!
Thank you so much for drawing them; its absolutely GORGEOUS. The colors, and the shirtless Viktor, and oh!
combining those to to make an absolutely superhot couple!
hee! I know! They were too hot not to slash together!
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