Title: Surprise After Practice
Characters: Cedric/Viktor
Rating: PG-13 / NWS
Media used: Pencil and 'coloured' in Photoshop
Size: 470x629
Notes: For
Eh heh, I saw the reference for this and thought 'Must use!', I am usually very hesitant about using references but, ah, this one was just too good. I actually had drawn a scene in which they were kissing while on broomsticks but my niece got a hold of it and ripped it up. ^^;
I wish I had the talent to write fan fiction. It may look like pure boykissing for no reason but I actually have a story to go along with it but like I said, no talent in that area. -woes-
forgotnsuitcase said Viktor/Cedric and I was very intrigued by the pairing. The only character I had ever paired Cedric and Viktor up with was Ron, as I have an unabashed obsession with that character, and I had never thought of combining those two to make an absolutely superhot couple! I think I will be doing more drawings of them now. XD
They would be a happy couple, I believe. I hope you are happy with it, too! =)
As for the other drawings, I hope to have at the least one more up tonight. Real life has become extremely hectic the last few days and I am very, very sorry I have not posted more.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend! =D