Fic: Smooth(ish) Operator

Jan 17, 2009 10:16

Title: Smooth(ish) Operator
Summary: After a naked jaunt in class, a very drink filled encourage-a-thon, Gideon Prewett finally attempts to ask Dorcas out without being crude. Written for orange_souffle
Characters/Pairings: Gideon Prewett/Dorcas Meadowes
Word Count: 1003
A/N: Gideon and Dorcas were written, in its cracky entirety, by alohachary1851

The entire afternoon, Gideon Prewett repeated "'Don't steamroll in. Make conversation. Be polite. Go easy on the jokes. BE NICE" while also justifying that he didn't need to considering he is wearing his Lucky Shirt. Not to be confused with the shirt in which he Gets Lucky because they are altogether two very different things.

He commends himself, inwardly of course, as everything he has to do in class now should be inwardly lest he wants to get kicked out of Auror training which would be a Very Sad Day indeed; his liking of Dorcas however is, based on past experiences, unprecedented as she is not blonde, tall, or- no, well she is rather busty, he thinks. And all of a sudden he can hear Alice admonishing him for being crude. He rolls his eyes at this and making a note to owl her later about the fact that he now has a conscience and its name is Alice.

Class ends and he momentarily wishes for some sort of reflective surface as far away from Fabian as possible, or else he'd just get yelled at again for painstakingly caring about his appearance. He gathers his things, slinging his bag over his shoulder and walks out of the classroom. Eyeing Dorcas chatting with another classmate, he strolls, as casually as he can and says "'Lo, Dorcas," and cringes as he walks past as he realized that he sounded quite phlegmy and, well, French. He is at a loss as to which is worse.

'Well that came and went,' he thinks as he heads for the farthest drinking fountain at the end of the hall. "Gideon!" A voice calls and footsteps draw closer as he's taking a sip. "Sounded a bit sick, are you alright?"

It was Dorcas. 'Quick, Gid,' he thinks to himself, 'funny, but not irritating...god what does that even mean?' He half grins and says "Er, just practising a bit of my French, you know-" And he makes an incorrigible attempt at "Hon hon hon" and an overly smarmy impersonation of a French man. Dorcas eyes him oddly and he quickly replies with "Yeah, no, just, needed a drink, s'all."

Dorcas laughs a bit, brushing her hair behind her ears, and says "Sounds like the exchange student my parents' neighbour back in Cornwall hosted, smelled something awful and was a scourge to all the girls in secondary school."

She starts walking and Gideon walks with her. "So basically, just like me, without the smelling and the French-ness?" He deadpans, only briefly, before breaking out into an impish grin.

"Just a bit." Dorcas answers, hastily adding "only joking."

"So," he says in a voice that's a tad too high for his liking, and thus requires him to clear his throat, "Liverpool's having a good year, aren't they?"

"You follow muggle sports?" Dorcas interjects with some surprise as they head down a flight of stairs and out of the front entrance, which, is actually through to a back alleyway of a seemingly abandoned looking warehouse.

"Yeah, you know, just whatever I can follow at pub, and at the neighbour's and on the muggle radio." Gideon admits as they walk onto the main street. "Well not so much now since my soul now belongs to the bedpans at St. Mungo's. Last time I ever get bored in class again."

He watches her out of the corner of his eye and in a moment of great restraint after seeing her blush, a moment that he will also have to tell Alice about in large sweeping capital letters, he simply grins as she says "Yeah, y'know if you weren't top of the class, you'd be out of the program."

"I'm top of the class?" Gideon asks nonchalantly.

"Don't sound so surprised, Gideon, half the class heard you in the hallway after we got the marks from our last exam," Dorcas answers, "which I nearly failed."

Gideon rubs the back of his neck, nervously, "Yeah well I probably won't be after this indentured servitude to St. Mungo's-"

"Most people doodle in class when they're bored, you know." She interrupts. "Though I think it was probably the first time Moody's eye stopped spinning."

The word "inches" comes to mind right away for Gideon and he quashes the idea of making a rather lewd joke based on what Alice told him. "Hey d'you want to go over some of the coursework this Friday, like, with coffee or something? Maybe go out for a celebratory beer after?"

He then finds the cracks along the pavement very interesting and tries not to notice the quickly hidden grin on Dorcas' face. "Could we just burn the coursework and get to the beer instead?"

Piqued, Gideon looks at her and grins, "Oi, your words, Meadowes, not mine." He says. "I take no responsibility for any future test scores-"

"Unless of course I'm sucked into the Prewett world of parties and classroom pranking." Dorcas deadpans.

Finally, after an entire day of Alice-like hand wringing, internally, of course, Gideon relaxes. "You?" He grins, "Nah, you're far too sensible, in the best of ways of course. You'd probably have thought ahead and said 'No, I'd rather not clean bedpans for a month' and keep your clothes on."

Dorcas laughs and replies, "Yeah, that..."

"So Friday, at the George and the Dragon, then? Say, eight?" He asks, watching her reach as she scribbles something onto a bit of paper.

"This is my address, Prewett." She says, putting the paper into his hand. "Be there five to eight or else be plagued with 'Ooh, sorry, washing my hair.'"

"You know, I don't understand that, I mean, what a horrible line to give to a man-"

Dorcas grins and says, "See you, Gid." And she walks off.

It takes him about half a second to realise exactly just what happened. Grinning, madly, he carefully stows the paper in his bag and walks, nay, struts back to his flat.

summer-77, aurors, fic, gid, dorcas

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