Fic: "For Want of a Nail" 3/? (Cara/Kahlan, Legend of the Seeker)

Aug 02, 2010 11:30

Title: For Want of a Nail
Author: orange_creative
Fandom: Legend of the Seeker
Pairing(s): Cara/Kahlan
Rating: R
Summary: The Spell of Undoing changed much more than ever expected.
Spoilers: Through the S2 finale, but this is a completely AU verse. Very AU, but so very familiar.
word count: 5,300
A/N: I should mention that Kahlan will not make an appearance for ( Read more... )

fic: for want of a nail, femslash, fanfic, cara/kahlan, legend of the seeker

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Comments 33

mayireadtoday August 2 2010, 22:18:27 UTC
I really enjoyed this. I like Dahlia and how smart she is and how she smuggles potential Mord'Sith out of the country.


orange_creative August 3 2010, 05:58:05 UTC
Thanks for the feedback! I wanted to do Dahlia justice, especially if she wasn't going to be strutting around as a Mord-Sith. ;)


musicffyou August 2 2010, 23:32:41 UTC
I really like how you're writing Cara in this story. Your characters are just really good. Also yeah for bringing Berdine and Raina :D

excited for the next chapter :)


orange_creative August 3 2010, 05:59:01 UTC
Thank you! I love Cara to pieces, so I'm glad you're enjoying how I'm writing her. And lots of fun to come for our little Berdine and Raina. :)


lucidlucifer13 August 3 2010, 00:31:19 UTC
Wonderful fic. I can't wait to see the next chapters XD I also like this Cara, she's still Mord'Sith but she's also human. With a growing heart/conscience now too :P


orange_creative August 3 2010, 06:00:31 UTC
Hah, hopefully I won't take as long for the next part now that I've got some certain writer blocks out of the way.

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it. :)


chaniliet August 3 2010, 01:03:31 UTC
more.. need more... ;)
I'm really, really enjoying where you're going with that story.. and i never liked Trianna ^^


orange_creative August 3 2010, 06:01:05 UTC
Thank you! :D


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orange_creative August 3 2010, 06:02:19 UTC
Thank you! It's definitely going to be a journey, with ups and downs for everyone.


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