Break Me, Shake Me Chapter 2

Nov 14, 2009 22:30

Chapter Title: Every Me, Every You
Pairing Kradam/Cookleta with Fake!Lambchuleta.
Rating: Pg-Pg 13
Disclaimer: I don’t own Adam Lambert, Kris Allen, David Cook, or David Archuleta.
Summary: AU! Each chapter has a song as its title. The song is how I want convey the feelings of the characters. Kris and Katy have been divorced for a little over a year and Adam tries to convince Kris to move on with him. A major fight ensues and Adam has no idea how in the world to get Kris. Meanwhile, Archie is having problems with coming out that he and Cook are dating. Cook is frustrated and decides to break up with Archie. Can you guess what happens from there?

Adam lifted his hand to knock when the door opened. Adam smiled and almost made a comment but stopped himself as he stared a nameless woman, or at least a woman he didn’t know. Adam just stared at her in confusion.

“Kris! There’s a strange man at your door!” The woman yelled over her shoulder.

Kris came to the door shortly after the woman had yelled. He stared intently at Adam before opening the door wide enough for him to come through. Adam just looked forward as he entered the flat. He didn’t want Kris to see the look on his face, that was the last thing he needed.

“Kris…I don’t how to tell you this…but I think I should move out for a bit. Maybe we’ve been spending too much time together and just need to be away from one another for awhile. So I’m gonna move in with Dacid Archuleta until I find a nice place for myself.” Adam began. This was going to be harder than he thought. He didn’t really want to move out because he was the one who got the apartment in the first place, but it held too many memories for him to stay here.

Kris studied Adam for a moment. “If you think that’s best then go ahead.”

Adam studied the floor. He had never seen Kris act anything like this and he was getting frustrated by it. He knew Kris better than he knew himself sometimes. And Adam just didn’t have an answer for this riddle. And he was close to giving up.

“I’ll be back in a few days to get my stuff. I have to find a storage place for it all. I’m just here to get the basics for the time being.” With that, Adam excused himself to grab his clothes, make up, and whatever other accessories he had in his room.

Adam stared at his room for several moments. He couldn’t believe that it all had come to this. He was just so sure that he and Kris would’ve gotten together. But then again, Kris was married at one time. And maybe, Kris needed that kind of normalcy. The woman in the apartment proved that point to him.

Adam dug under his bed for his duffel bag. It was big enough that it would fit everything he needed. He learned the hard way that multiple small bags were hazardous when going out in public. He had long ago started using big duffels. He furiously grabbed his stuff and threw it into his duffel without organizing it. He just wanted to get out of there and fast.

When he finished, he zipped the duffel and pulled it on his shoulder. He took one last look at the room. He filed the memories away for later. He knew he would need to get through however long it took him to get over Kris. He knew it would be a long time.

Adam stepped into the living room where Kris was sitting with the woman with his arm casually over her shoulder. Adam glared at the arm, wishing for it to spontaneously combust. He almost wished he didn’t think that, it was a nice arm.

“Like I said earlier Kris, I’ll send for my stuff in a few days. I’ll be at Archie’s so if you can’t reach my cell…you can try his place. Until then, I hope you find what you’re looking for.” With that, Adam left. He had no more to say to Kris.

As Adam made his way to Archie’s he kept wishing that Kris would just pop up out of nowhere and say how much he was wrong and that he did actually love Adam. Of course…it was just Adam’s imagination. And for once, Adam wished he didn’t have a big one.

He knocked on Archie’s door and was confused when Cook answered the door. Cook didn’t say anything as Adam entered the apartment. He just stared intensely at Adam for whatever reason. Adam for the most part ignored him and made his way to his temporary room. He did give Archie a questioning look and Archie wouldn’t look him in the eye. Whatever was going on was pretty serious and not Adam’s business.

Adam shut the door to his room and began to mechanically put his stuff away. He didn’t really want to think about the past week and how everything had went sour so quickly. He almost had an urge to call Allison and vent, but he refrained. The girl was on tour and probably having the time of her life and Adam didn’t want to ruin that for her.

After Adam finished he sat on the bed. He had a picture of him and Kris from season eight. They were about to go on for their final performance and were hugging each other and wishing luck to one another. Someone had had a camera and caught the moment. Adam was so glad that the stage hand had given it to him. He had a copy made for Kris the next day as a present for winning the contest.

Adam carefully put the picture on the dresser and then proceeded to poke his head out the door. It seemed as though Cook had left and Archie was curled on the couch listlessly staring at the T.V. Adam pushed his troubled thoughts back and sat beside the younger man.

“Sooo…what did Cook want?” Adam queried.

Archie blinked at Adam. “He came here an hour after you left. He had some magazine with him. It had a picture of us on the cover hugging. And then…on the inside…oh Adam! It’s all my fault!” Archie launched himself at Adam.

Adam blinked down at the sobbing Archie. “What in the world are you talking about kid?”

“The magazine…it says…it says we’re dating. Me…and…you. And it had more pictures of us walking back to my place. Oh Adam…it’s horrible! Cook thinks that I never wanted him in the first place. I just don’t know what to do!” Archie began crying in earnest.

Adam gently stroked his back and whispered in his ear. “Don’t worry Archie. We will use this to our advantage. And we will get our men.”

kradam, cookleta, lambchuleta

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