Break Me, Shake Me

Nov 13, 2009 23:56

Title: Break Me, Shake Me
Pairing Kradam/Cookleta with Fake!Lambchuleta.
Rating: Pg-Pg 13
Disclaimer: I don’t own Adam Lambert, Kris Allen, David Cook, or David Archuleta.
Summary: AU! Kris and Katy have been divorced for a little over a year and Adam tries to convince Kris to move on with him. A major fight ensues and Adam has no idea how in the world to get Kris. Meanwhile, Archie is having problems with coming out that he and Cook are dating. Cook is frustrated and decides to break up with Archie. Can you guess what happens from there?
Playlist for this fic: Self-Inflicted by Katy Perry
Break Me, Shake me by Savage Garden
The Tracks of My Tears by Adam Lambert
Can’t Fight the Moonlight by LeAnn Rimes
But I do Love You by LeAnn Rimes
I Found Someone by Cher
Don’t Know What You Got by Cinderella
Creep by David Cook
Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) by Cher
Cryin’ by Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert roughly ran his hand through his hair. He was literally at his wits end. He had been trying to convince Kris Allen to go out with him for the past hour. All Adam wanted was one date to prove that he and Kris were meant to be. But of course…Katy had made her into the conversation and any progress that Adam had made…had been shattered. He’d been trying to get Kris used to idea of them dating and it had been going fairly well…but Kris still held onto a tiny hope that Katy wanted to get back together.

“Kris, I’m not asking you to have sex with me. All I’m asking for is one date, that’s it. After that date it’s up to you.” Adam pleaded, his blue eyes trained on Kris.

Kris just shook his head. “I’m sorry Adam. I just don’t like you like that. I love Katy.”

“But Kris, she doesn’t love you anymore. You remember that conversation don’t you?”

Kris blinked. “Of course. But since we’ve been divorced, she may have changed her mind.”

“God damn it Kris. She’s with another man now. You remember Rick don’t you? You met him at the divorce hearing.” Adam spat vehemently.

“Adam, I just don’t sway that way. We’ve had this conversation before. You remember that conversation don’t you?” Kris spat back.

Adam’s eyes widened. “You did not just say that. Damn it Kris…I just can’t believe you right now. I can’t deal with this right. I’m leaving. You can stay in the flat. I’ll find somewhere to crash for a few days. Don’t call me, I’ll call you.”

With those parting words, Adam grabbed his keys from the table and swept out of the flat he shared with Kris. After the divorce, Kris needed a place to crash and Adam offered. Kris immediately took the offer and it became permanent. Things got too comfortable for the two American Idol competitors and Kris stayed.

Adam muttered as he walked past people on the street. He just didn’t know who to run to. Allison was touring at the moment, Matt was busy with whatever it was that Matt done, and Danny…he was touring the US with book signings.

Adam wandered aimlessly until he came to a small café he liked to frequent. It was a small unknown café that served great coffees and desserts. The owners were absolute dolls and had been together for decades. Adam fervently wished for a love like that. He had hoped to find it with Kris. Maybe I should just give up. I’ve been at this for the past two months and he just refuses. Adam thought as he sat down at a booth in the corner.

Adam stared out of the window for a few minutes before placing an order. He didn’t really know what he had ordered…but at this point he didn’t really care. He needed a place to stay and preferably not a hotel. He wanted to avoid the paparazzi as much as possible tonight. He knew how frazzled he looked and they would use that to speculate what had transpired between him and Kris and he didn’t really need that right now.

Then, someone caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. Adam immediately recognized David Archuleta. The kid had grown into his looks in the past three years and was very good looking. Adam quickly darted from his seat to catch up with the much younger man.

“Archie! Hey Archie!” Adam yelled over the crowd.

After what seemed like ages…he finally caught Archie’s attention. A grin spread over his face and he made his way over to Adam. Archie seemed very tense and looked like he had been crying for several hours. Adam immediately went into mother hen mode. His problems could wait, but it looked as though Archie’s were more important.

“Hey Adam, what’s up?” Archie asked, trying to keep his voice calm and normal.

Adam frowned. “C’mon kid…let’s go the café. I’ll get you a coffee and you can tell me everything that happened.”

Adam steered Archie towards the café. It seemed that the young man couldn’t direct himself around, which would explain why he was wandering around with no destination. Of course Adam himself wasn’t innocent either. But it was how Adam cleared his head. But not Archie. Archie played the piano. This had Adam very worried. As far he knew everything was fine with Cook and Adam was afraid to ask what had happened.

They both sat opposite of each other. Adam barely sipped his drink while Archie explained everything that happened. “It’s Cook…he dumped me.”

Adam raised an eyebrow. The two David’s were made for each other. Whatever had caused Cook to break up with Archie, must’ve been a really good reason. “Why?”

“He…I…well…” Archie stammered and then took a deep breath. “We haven’t come out officially to the public yet. I wanted to wait a little longer. I’m still spinning from us being together in the first place. I’ve always thought of myself as straight…but all it took was Cook coming into my life and boom! I’m in love with a guy. I just wanted to make sure we would last before we came out. I’ve always liked having a semi-private life. So, me and Cook dating and keeping it to ourselves was like our secret. And very few people knew it. I didn’t want to lose that. But Cook said he was tired of hiding and gave me an ultimatum. Either we come out to the press or he left…I just couldn’t do it Adam.”

Adam felt his heart go out to the younger singer. He knew Archie was having a heck of a time with loving Cook, but he never thought it was this deep. The poor kid was suffering and Adam could see that. He talked with Archie a few times a day. The two men were best friends…and they told each other everything.

“Oh Archie,” Adam moved from his seat over to Archie’s and gave him a hug. “You have me as long you need me.”

Neither of them noticed the flash of a camera.

kradam, cookleta, lambchuleta

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