Journal of a Prince 4

Nov 13, 2009 19:54

Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Kris practically manhandled Adam to the bed and made him sit down forcefully. Adam could only watch in tense silence as Kris paced back and forth across his bedroom. It seemed that this one secret between them would cost them their friendship…and Adam didn’t want that to happen. Kris was more than just his best friend, he was practically his rock when he was having a bad day, and he did happen to have a little crush (or perhaps even love) on the brown haired prince.

Kris stopped suddenly and studied Adam. He knew the black haired teenager was worried about their friendship that much was written across his face. Kris didn’t know what to do then. He was at a lost for words. He took a deep breath and grabbed his computer chair and sat in it, right across from Adam.

“Kris I know you’re angry,” Adam began. “But please, give me a few minutes to explain why I never told you.”

Kris regarded Adam for several moments and then nodded his agreement. He didn’t just want to go off on Adam, he was angry…but he didn’t want to throw away his friendship either. Adam just meant too much to him, though he would never admit that to Adam. Kris just stared patiently at Adam.

Adam took a deep breath to calm his nerves. “I accidentally found out in seventh grade. Dad had left one of his photo albums out and I leafed through it. That’s when I saw your dad in formal attire at some kind of ball. My dad was standing right beside him. Apparently they went to college together and became friends.” Adam stopped for a moment to look at Kris and decided to continue.

“Then…your mom came into the picture. She had transferred from NYU and very shy. I guess it was instant love for your parents. I mean I know you know the story…but you don’t know all of it. Apparently, your father was ready to give up the throne for her. King Simon wasn’t too fond of your mother for whatever reason he has.” Adam paused.

“And that’s when your dad and Simon struck a deal. I have no idea what the deal was. No one really seems to know. Anyways…your dad settled down here with your mom. But I guess they never got married. And you know the rest. But anways…the only really I knew…was because I stumbled across those pictures and dad told me. But he made me promise not to tell you. Your mother didn’t want you to live the kind of life your dad had. She was protecting you for the most part.” Adam finished and looked down at his hands. He really didn’t want to see Kris’ reaction. He was afraid that Kris would go into his silent anger mode, which was really scary. When Kris was severely pissed off…he was eerily quiet and would not talk to you.

Kris stared at Adam for a few moments. His anger ebbed slightly. He knew he wouldn’t able to stay mad at Adam for long. Adam was a major weakness for him. He hated seeing Adam’s baby blues so hurt. But Kris just didn’t know what to say. Adam just came across his father by accident, so he shouldn’t really him. But still, this isn’t something you just keep from a friend. But he didn’t promise his dad, and Adam never breaks promises. Kris thought to himself. Kris straightened himself up.

“I understand Adam. You made a promise to your dad. I can’t really be angry at you for that. I just wish mom had told me a long time ago. She should have prepared for this.” Kris grabbed Adam’s hand in a comforting gesture.

Adam slowly looked up at Kris and gave him a small smile. “Thanks Kris. I know this isn’t easy for you. But, you know what, I can help. I’ll be there for you.”

Kris smiled back at Adam. “Thanks Adam. You’re an awesome best friend. You want to see if mom’s done?”

Without an answer Kris got up and headed down stairs. Adam’s smile faltered a bit. “Yeah…just a best friend, that’s all I’ll ever be.”
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