Well hi there guys! I would be your other fearless leader moderator in this little community. I thought it would be a good idea to kick start the com with a friending meme. Sound good?
Favourite Character(s):
Favourite Ship(s) if any: (feel free to include RPF)
Favourite quotes:
Col. Hans Landa ftw?:
Journal style: (friends only/public? Full of real life or fandom? Enthusiastic flailing or quiet intense admiration? etc.)
What kind of fandom insanity do you get up to?: (writing, icons, fanmixes?)
Other Fandoms:
Any Last Words:
Name: Age: Location: Favourite Character(s): Favourite Ship(s) if any: Favourite quotes: Col. Hans Landa ftw?: Journal style: What kind of fandom insanity do you get up to?: Other Fandoms: Any Last Words: Use this link and spread the love!