Open On Sunday

Nov 21, 2010 12:58

Title: Open On Sunday (Literal)
Author: Emelye
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Open and/or Sunday
Characters/Pairing: Xander, Spike

California never enacted blue laws. Irony therefore dictated that Xander learn about them when his block cracked in Minneapolis and he could neither replace his piece-of-shit Taurus, nor drown his sorrows over said loss.

He was fairly sure blue laws didn’t apply to demon bars. He was dead certain than in a city of half a million people and little direct sunlight six months out of the year there would be a demon bar.

It was Spike’s, if the neon was to be believed. Open On Sunday! proclaimed the cheerful little sign on the door.

It was good enough.

Title: Open On Sunday (Figurative)
Author: Emelye
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Open and/or Sunday
Characters/Pairing: Xander/Spike

Xander’s tour of the Northland was heavy on darkness, cold and vamps blowing satisfyingly in the breeze. It was light on firefights, and terrified young girls who could snap him like a twig and spoke not a word of English.
Between the fifth round and waking up in Spike’s bed the next morning, they’d talked about children shriveled with dehydration and disease, helping your mate stuff his guts back in his body in the pouring rain, and the small mercy of everything they never saw.

With Sunday afternoon’s snowfall insulating their fragile companionship, they found peace in each other’s arms.

xander, spike/xander

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