Drabble: Revolve (Prompt Turn/Turning)

Oct 12, 2008 20:13

The world turns. Hands on a clock tick onwards. Calendar pages flutter. Sun rises, sun sets.

Anne-Buffy rises, dresses, works, sleeps.

Customers come and go in mealtime waves. They are pleasant. Irritating. Gropers. Good tippers. Bums. Tourists.

Coffee in the cups. Orders to the kitchen. Food delivered. Dirty plates to the dishwasher.

It’s the cycle of life.

Her mind doesn’t move on, though. All day, more especially all night, what she sees is the same. Eyes shut. Kiss. Stab. Goodbye. The cycle continues, churning inexorably through her brain.

Does the world turn where Angel is? Are there seasons in hell?
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