Drabbles (Both PG)

Jan 05, 2004 05:36

Title: Remarkable
Author: Dlgood
Characters: Sam Finn
Spoilers: BtVS 6.15, “As You Were” , undetermined future
Disclaimer: Property of Mutant Enemy
Theme: Title Switch
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Remarkable )

sam, future, potential / slayer, btvs7

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Comments 9

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dlgood January 5 2004, 21:29:57 UTC
Thanks. I'm glad you liked.

Sometimes its fun to take a look at the 'verse from a wider angle. There's such a large cast out there to add bits of flavor.


chrisleeoctaves January 5 2004, 07:44:04 UTC
I was watching some Riley eppies last night. I think I must be one of the only B/A shippers on the planet who actually liked the guy and so I particularly liked the drabble "Remarkable." Because, you know, he was.


dlgood January 5 2004, 21:33:37 UTC

To me that's his hook, how he's both so mundane and exceptional at the same time. Which is what I was going for.


a2zmom January 5 2004, 10:55:17 UTC
I like Riley also and I thought that first drabble hit exactly the right note.

most unremarkable of remarkable men. that's Riley in a nutshell.


dlgood January 5 2004, 21:33:51 UTC


sunka2 January 5 2004, 17:17:13 UTC
Love Remarkable. Great job. I love the Sam/Riley team we saw. I kinda wonder what they're like away from Sunnydale. Hmmm.


dlgood January 5 2004, 21:38:14 UTC

I'm mildly curious about them too, as we see so little of them. I generally just kind of assume they're doing some small-scale good offscreen.


leni_ba January 6 2004, 08:39:03 UTC
Melancholic and still loving first drabble. Perhaps, she thinks, he would find that fitting. - Yeah, I think so too.

Interesting second, a Slayer-in-Training who doesn't understand things beyond the 'training'.


dlgood January 6 2004, 08:46:33 UTC
Interesting second, a Slayer-in-Training who doesn't understand things beyond the 'training'.

She's like "Blah blah, kill the Vampires destiny-cakes. Whatever. This slayer package is the Rock-Ass for my playground game."

With hundreds of slayers, they can't all fit the Buffy, Kendra, or Faith mold.


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