Drabbles (Both PG)

Jan 05, 2004 05:36

Title: Remarkable
Author: Dlgood
Characters: Sam Finn
Spoilers: BtVS 6.15, “As You Were” , undetermined future
Disclaimer: Property of Mutant Enemy
Theme: Title Switch
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Arlington cemetery is surprisingly cold for late March. Across the Potomac, she can just make out the Cherry Blossoms.

The turnout is small and the eulogy tasteful. The final notes of a bugle sound, as she waits for soldiers and mourners to depart.

To those who walk past and observe, there will be nothing remarkable about his tombstone. Riley Finn, by most accounts, was a most unremarkable of remarkable men. Perhaps, she thinks, he would find that fitting.

Alone, she sheds a tear for her husband and lays Wild Prairie Roses on the damp, green grass. And whispers: “Goodbye, Iowa.”

Author's Note: The Wild Prairie Rose is Iowa's official state flower.


Title: She's Got Next
Author: Dlgood
Characters: Original Character
Spoilers: BtVS 7.22, “Chosen”
Disclaimer: Property of Mutant Enemy
Theme: Title Switch
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They speak of empowering women to reach their full potential. They speak of how you can finally be strong.

But you'd chosen your heroes long before Buffy Summers came along. Cut class to watch Annika tee off at the Colonial. Think the Williams’ sisters are the coolest girls on earth. But you really wanted to be Chamique.

Now, you attend some freaky occult High School in Cleveland. You're training to be a Slayer. But you don’t forget to practice the skills that really matter.

Bron-Bron got ninety from Nike. What kind of a shoe deal will the next Superstar get?

Author's Note: Some girls watch a lot of ESPN.

sam, future, potential / slayer, btvs7

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