ficlet: Maybe They'll Swim - [T] Beverly Crusher/Kathryn Janeway VOY/TNG

Sep 02, 2010 02:11

Title: Maybe They'll Swim
Rating: Teen
Pairing: Kathryn Janeway/Beverly Crusher
Spoilers: none
Notes: I'm on a happy, fluffy, first dates and first kisses kick. Kathryn's POV. A little bit hair!fic. (because ZOMG, I <3 both of theirs).

It's ridiculous because Kathryn has hair... )

fic, ficlet, beverly/kathryn

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Comments 18

lynchgrrrl88 September 2 2010, 01:42:47 UTC
Oh yehhhh! I love it. Really well written, I can definitely imagine this happening :D


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lynchgrrrl88 September 3 2010, 00:36:01 UTC
LOL, good times :P


oparu September 2 2010, 22:27:12 UTC
heee thanks!!! I really loved writing it.


vmo_03 September 2 2010, 01:46:05 UTC
Le Sigh. What a great first kiss...


oparu September 2 2010, 22:27:39 UTC
thanks! :D


leyenn September 2 2010, 11:02:18 UTC
Well it wasn't ever going to take much, but now you have *really* sold me on this pairing. *holds it and snugs it and calls it Georgina*


oparu September 2 2010, 22:28:39 UTC
I think we'll keep Georgina around for a good long time. *snuggles her*

and thanks! :)


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oparu September 2 2010, 22:29:26 UTC
they so did! gods....completely unfair how much I loved it...

and thanks!!!


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oparu September 8 2010, 21:52:55 UTC
I think they bought out my writing soul... which is totally okay.

and thank you :)


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