PAGE TWO: It's okay, you guys can request again!

Sep 13, 2008 17:40


Or, free-for-all-fic, or fic free-for-all, or fic-for-all, whatever phrasing floats your boat.


Filled | Unfilled (BOTH posts updated to about half of page three, updated Sept 21, 11-something pm, GMT -5 ( Read more... )

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Comments 5449

anonymous September 13 2008, 22:09:43 UTC
OMG! *races for first request* Luffy/Lucci or Lucci/Luffy anything!

Say, maybe back-in-time fic where Luffy meets psycho teen!Lucci.

Or, Luffy snuggles his new pet leopard and unbeknown to him it's Lucci infiltrating the Strawhats for the government.

Someone write this pairing?


anonymous September 13 2008, 22:11:19 UTC
Doesn't have to be smut (especially if its the leopard one. um)...

And yes, I am totally insane.


anonymous October 28 2008, 23:34:22 UTC
Art-anon is taking this one. I should finish by the end of the week, though I'm not guaranteeing anything.

Unless you want a smutty/suggestive pic, in which case it'll take longer (I tend to go through several sketches until I like the result @_@. Smut is hard to draw...)


anonymous October 30 2008, 12:53:57 UTC
Whatever you want to do sounds excellent, and thank you! :)


Why would Sanji leave the Strawhats? anonymous September 13 2008, 22:32:48 UTC
*First Sanji post of entry 2!*

A mini fic where Sanji seriously considers leaving the crew for a reason other than finding All Blue. Can be due to relationship woes(any pairing ok) or a huge falling out.

We've seen Usopp, Robin, and Nami...go awol from the crew in the past...I'm curious what it would it take to make the Chef consider hanging up his apron.


Re: Why would Sanji leave the Strawhats? pyewackitsan March 30 2009, 05:45:32 UTC
I really like this idea. (I'm actually already working on something with this subject). I love this idea and would adore to see it put into action. I don't think I've really read any fanfics with this theme played out. There's only one I can think of.


Re: Why would Sanji leave the Strawhats? anonymous March 30 2009, 13:39:14 UTC
Hee! I wrote a rather naughty SanLu fic a while back that sort of fit but not quite, that I actually ended up discussing with the OP whether it better fit this prompt or another. :D In the end it was posted on the other prompt and it's over here if you're interested: Kind of a grocery list of kinks tho. XD

Anyway, I'd love to see the idea explored more directly, since I mostly approached it with a different emphasis.


Not Good Enough anonymous June 18 2010, 05:29:29 UTC
Hi, I'm looking through old Sanji related requests.
Anyway, I had two ideas for this. The second one is actually what you asked for, this one is another reason I think he would have. Although in both of them, Sanji leaves because of something HE'S done, not anything anyone else did.
Second one when I have time, but I hope you enjoy this anyway! ^^

Not smart enough.

Maybe if he had anticipated it, he could have kept his shadow, any of their shadows, from being stolen.

Not fast enough.

Maybe if he had defeated that stupid shitty zombie more quickly, then the shadows would have been returned and his captain wouldn’t have had to fight so hard.

Not strong enough.

Maybe if he could have withstood the marimo’s attack, had stood his ground, then the swordsman would be okay now, and with the crew, where he should be.

Not good enough.

He stands outside in the cool night air and lights a cigarette. The smoke fills his lungs and fights off some of the chill, but not completely, and he shivers anyway.

Not good enough.He hadn’t been good ( ... )


ZoLu Suduction anonymous September 13 2008, 23:29:08 UTC
How about a ZoLu fic were Luffy isn't in "the mood", which fustrates Zoro since the two haven't "been together" in a while due to the rest of the crew being around or other responabilities, and Zoro manages to coaks him into it. Use your imangination and have fun ^w^


Seconded! anonymous September 19 2008, 23:28:55 UTC
This would be interesting. I can just see Zoro sexually tormenting poor Luffy to get him in the mood XD


... anonymous November 10 2008, 22:39:00 UTC
Maybe Luffy could be trying to open the lock to the food pantry? I mean everyone is off the ship so it seems logical that if everyone but him and Zoro are on the ship he'd try that...mayb thats why Luffy isn't in the "mood"? Because he's more intested in the chance to get something to eat?


Re: ... anonymous November 11 2008, 16:59:03 UTC
LOL. I like it.

The one that occurred to me was that maybe Luffy is recovering from injuries/Gear Second and so his interest in sex is low but that would be a little cruel. XD


Over too soon. anonymous September 13 2008, 23:33:57 UTC
Porn-fic request!

The pairing: Sanji/Zoro, Sanji on top.

The kink: Guy on top (Sanji) is very turned on and eager to get inside. He overestimates himself and comes immediately upon penetration or a couple of thrusts later. Please, anon, give me some loss of control! May or may not include doing it “properly” once the top can get it up again. I leave the details (such as plot or lack thereof) up to you, anon.


Re: Over too soon. anonymous October 27 2008, 05:05:18 UTC
I'm sorry- I can't give you a fic, but this prompt made me laugh and automatically, an image popped into my head, so I can offer a sketch. (I fail at HTML and don't know how to do one of those picture link things)


Re: Over too soon. anonymous October 27 2008, 06:34:08 UTC
Can't. Stop. Laughing.


Re: Over too soon. anonymous October 27 2008, 06:41:01 UTC
Hahahahah! I love it! So hilarious. You can tell they're just sort of sitting there, paralyzed by Sanji's ineptitude. *cracks up*


if it quacks like a duck anonymous September 14 2008, 05:36:59 UTC
I'd like fic/art based on this picture (NWS because of bewbs):



Re: if it quacks like a duck-OMG! Seconded! anonymous September 14 2008, 06:15:27 UTC
OH MY GOD.........WTF!

I am totally blown away here. I am so stunned...I don't know who I should comment on! Just...whoa.

I can't think of anything at all for this...but maybe one day my brain will unbreak and I'll return.

Hope it gets filled in the meantime!


Maybe an evil wizard transformed them? anonymous September 14 2008, 06:20:40 UTC
Hahaha! It's priceless isn't it? Total crack. Gotta love Japanese fan-artists.

Seriously though... I don't think it's cleanly to cuddle a duck when you're naked.


Re: Maybe an evil wizard transformed them? anonymous September 14 2008, 15:11:37 UTC a Swan Princess type scenario? I see...that makes it a little easier.

Still I totally against naked skin...ew.


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