PAGE TWO: It's okay, you guys can request again!

Sep 13, 2008 17:40


Or, free-for-all-fic, or fic free-for-all, or fic-for-all, whatever phrasing floats your boat.


Filled | Unfilled (BOTH posts updated to about half of page three, updated Sept 21, 11-something pm, GMT -5 ( Read more... )

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ZoLu Suduction anonymous September 13 2008, 23:29:08 UTC
How about a ZoLu fic were Luffy isn't in "the mood", which fustrates Zoro since the two haven't "been together" in a while due to the rest of the crew being around or other responabilities, and Zoro manages to coaks him into it. Use your imangination and have fun ^w^


Seconded! anonymous September 19 2008, 23:28:55 UTC
This would be interesting. I can just see Zoro sexually tormenting poor Luffy to get him in the mood XD


... anonymous November 10 2008, 22:39:00 UTC
Maybe Luffy could be trying to open the lock to the food pantry? I mean everyone is off the ship so it seems logical that if everyone but him and Zoro are on the ship he'd try that...mayb thats why Luffy isn't in the "mood"? Because he's more intested in the chance to get something to eat?


Re: ... anonymous November 11 2008, 16:59:03 UTC
LOL. I like it.

The one that occurred to me was that maybe Luffy is recovering from injuries/Gear Second and so his interest in sex is low but that would be a little cruel. XD


Re: ... anonymous November 11 2008, 17:33:08 UTC
(different anon) D: That wouldn't just be cruel, it would be selfish to the point where I'd want to kick Zoro in the nuts.


Re: ... anonymous November 11 2008, 17:40:39 UTC
maybe Gear Second or being dumped in seawater could trash his libido for a few days without him necessarily being unwell/injured...


Re: ... anonymous November 11 2008, 17:48:35 UTC
I'd still want to kick him in the nuts. It's what I'd want to do to MY man if he was pestering me about sex if my libido was missing because of trauma/exhaustion.

But this isn't about me, it's about what OP would like. And hey, it's just fanfiction. I seem to be in the mood for discussion... time for me to leave this thread alone now, I think.


Re: ... anonymous November 12 2008, 18:20:14 UTC
Yeah I agree with you Zoro isn't that kind of guy...if Luffy was recovering or something like that he'd be worried and/or spoiling Luffy and trying to make him feel better.

I like what the other person said about Luffy trying to get to the food, it sounds like something that would really happen.


THIRDED! anonymous October 12 2008, 15:25:20 UTC
I would pick this up but I'll working on another request. I hope someone picks this up...sounds intresting and there never seems to be enough ZoLu don't you think?


Re: THIRDED! anonymous November 11 2008, 04:06:15 UTC
Nope never enough ZoLu...which is odd consitering its one of the most popular Yoai and Shonen Ai couples next to ZoSan.


Re: THIRDED! anonymous November 11 2008, 07:55:00 UTC
Nope never enough ZoLu...which is odd consitering its one of the most popular Yoai and Shonen Ai couples next to ZoSan.

(random anon)

The popularity of the pairing could actually be why it's not requested here all the time. Sometimes people get bored of the popular pairings since new fic is written for them all the time, so they come here and request some more uncommon pairing that they want to see.

I've requested some LuZo here (in that order, not much for bottom-Luffy) and have written some Luffy and Zoro fic. But I just can't write anything for this particular request since the situation clashes with my view of the characters.


Re: THIRDED! anonymous November 11 2008, 16:52:29 UTC
I dunno, there's lots of ZoSan/SanZo requests on here. A lot of those are involve plotty parts rather than just the porn/kink, maybe. More plot-based requests for ZoLu/LuZo might be nice. I know I'm happier writing sex when there's some plot idea to tie it in with.

And yeah, this random anon agrees about the clash in terms of character views. Same problem with a couple of other ZoLu/LuZo requests on here as well, for me. It's nothing to do with who's bottoming (though I have my preference there) but the fact I struggle to see this as a cute pairing in the way others clearly do. Each to their own, of course, but I like them together because they're both the same kind of crazy monstrous, which is... sorta the opposite of cute? (You can probably guess which ZoLu prompt and which LuZo fic was mine from this lol.)

Like I said, each to their own. Not looking to start any arguments!


Re: THIRDED! anonymous November 11 2008, 17:29:48 UTC
True, there's a lot of ZoSan/SanZo requests here. But I've noticed that many of those requests ask for top-Sanji and bottom-Zoro, and that's something of a rarity for the pairing. I've requested a couple of SanZo fics, but I feel no need to request ZoSan since there's new ZoSan fics popping up on other parts of the web every week.

Maybe it's just me who's like that, but I've heard others say that they're happy there's people asking for rare pairings here since you don't see much of them elsewhere, so maybe there's others like me. But I still think people should be allowed to request whatever they want, so I don't care if there's lot's of ZoSan or ZoLu or LuNa or some other popular pairing.

The following part is not meant as critique for any of the requests on this meme.About Luffy and Zoro as a "cute" couple: I can't see the two of them as a truly romantic couple. In my head, things wouldn't change between them at all if they started sleeping together, except for the addition of sex, of course. There's already love, and neither of ( ... )


do we need a discussion post... anonymous November 11 2008, 17:54:21 UTC
I like the rare pairings/rare things involving popular pairings on here too but... lol, there ain't no LuNa on this meme. (Which is a shame, because there's some types of LuNa fic you just can't find, and I could definitely go for some strap-on/futa Nami on Luffy action or some d/s stuff but nobody here will write them so it's pointless to ask.)

And yeah.

I was at this point ready to hit send on this post getting the other notification email from higher up the thread but, um, hopefully the discussion will draw more attention to this thread so someone will fill it, yes? (sorry, OP...)


Re: do we need a discussion post... anonymous November 11 2008, 18:03:04 UTC
Don't you lol at me, missy/mister! I just used LuNa as an example of a popular pairing, even if there's not much here.

Maybe you should try requesting some strap-on/futa Nami on Luffy action if you want to see it. Then again, just because it's requested doesn't mean it'll be filled. Totally not thinking about my SanZo requests, nope, not me. But there's always hope, right?


Re: do we need a discussion post... anonymous November 11 2008, 18:25:37 UTC
I lol because it's kind of the running joke that it's the stupidly-popular het pairing of the fandom that nobody will write on here... XD

I already asked for explicit LuNa kink/filth. It's lower down this page, I think. It'd fit for that I guess. But nobody is gonna write it either way.

Some way old requests have been filled recently, so you never know. I know there's anons who will write SanZo!


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