Overflow Post!

Sep 16, 2008 19:28

Haha, yeah, so, your story is running a little long, but room on the meme is running a little short? Then post the rest of it here!

Preferred format for this sort of thing:

Step 1: Post a comment here with a link to the start of your story or the prompt it is for.

Step 2: Post the rest of your story as a reply to that comment.

Step 3: Post a comment to the first part of your story or the prompt you are writing for, linking to where you are continuing it.

And yeah! Easy as that. I hope. This is easy, right?

How to tell if your story is too long and the comment space is too small: Well, um, for Part one of our glorious meme, I'd say if your story is over five comments, you should post the rest of it here. Part Two, right now, is okay to post in. Go nuts.

So... yeah, if there are any gaping flaws in my present plan, then please point them out to me as soon as possible, preferably with small words so my no-doubt sleep-deprived mind can understand. ^^; Thanks, guys!
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