Part Two Archive: Unfilled

Sep 13, 2008 18:17

Mostly Updated on Sept 21/22 (yes, I need to sleep)

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1. Luffy/Lucci or Lucci/Luffy anything!

Say, maybe back-in-time fic where Luffy meets psycho teen!Lucci.

Or, Luffy snuggles his new pet leopard and unbeknown to him it's Lucci infiltrating the Strawhats for the government.

Someone write this pairing?

2. A mini fic where Sanji seriously considers leaving the crew for a reason other than finding All Blue. Can be due to relationship woes(any pairing ok) or a huge falling out.

We've seen Usopp, Robin, and Nami...go awol from the crew in the past...I'm curious what it would it take to make the Chef consider hanging up his apron.

3. How about a ZoLu fic were Luffy isn't in "the mood", which fustrates Zoro since the two haven't "been together" in a while due to the rest of the crew being around or other responabilities, and Zoro manages to coaks him into it. Use your imangination and have fun ^w^

4. Porn-fic request!

The pairing: Sanji/Zoro, Sanji on top.

The kink: Guy on top (Sanji) is very turned on and eager to get inside. He overestimates himself and comes immediately upon penetration or a couple of thrusts later. Please, anon, give me some loss of control! May or may not include doing it “properly” once the top can get it up again. I leave the details (such as plot or lack thereof) up to you, anon.

5. If it quacks like a duck...
I'd like fic/art based on this picture (NWS because of bewbs)

6. Sanji becomes irrationally paranoid they'll run out of food on the ship, and begins starving himself.

ok, I know Chopper said it was tailored to him. .but I still wanna see what would happen if Robin or Luffy ate a rumble ball. Do we get a Brain(ier) Point Robin? Jumping Point Luffy? heh....Horny Point.

But yeah I'd like to see it...and if it ends up in a threesome thats all the better.

8. Some people suspect that Nami could have been working at a brothel before to make some extra cash.

If that's the case, it could be that some or many of the men she had as customers or higher-ups weren't nice men and treated her badly.

Let's see what would happen the first time she is going to have sex after this. Perhaps she's only wanted to project an image of being strong, but, inside, feels afraid of intimacy and still feels misplaced self-hatred and guilt for the abuse that took place. Maybe she has desired sex with her partner, but always finds reasons not to do it even though she does really want it. Maybe she puts her partner down when they desire sex, telling them they are worthless/pathetic/stupid/unworthy/whatever, but does not actually feel that they are.

I'm leaning to see her finally have the courage to tell her partner about the abuse, and seeing how they react or if they even know how to.

The sex can happen, but no "magical healing sex" or "cured with the power of a penis". I've seen this used in fics before and I hate it. Wounds do not heal that quickly.

Both het and lesbian pairings fine. If you want to do lesbian, pair her with Robin or Vivi. If you want to do straight, Sanji or Usopp.

9. I know it's a little far-fetched, but I haven't seen much of it around, to be honest. So if anyone has any links/suggestions, i would be much obliged. Kuro/Zoro -- more one-sided Kuro/Zoro, with... maybe... implied ZoLu and Kuro wants to get back at Luffy for what happened by taking Zoro away.

non-con, bondage, anything you want. Bonus, bonus points if Zoro's somehow hypnotized. thank you!

10. Moria + shadows x Luffy

I know it's bizarre. I totally blame the anon on the Enel/Luffy thread who mentioned Moria, because actually, my warped brain hadn't considered this one before. ;)

11. I would like to see Naffy fic that is the absolute antithesis of the view of this couple as cute and vanilla.

Maybe one of them has a major kink they get the other to indulge (doesn't have to be particularly usual kinks - big YES to Nami kinking on something to do with Luffy's stretching powers, or maybe something to do with electricity and the clima-tact since Luffy is immune and Nami is not). Or bdsm, fem-dom, the usual suspects, we know she could dom the hell outta Luffy.

Or maybe situational, like an enemy makes them have really hardcore sex in front of him/her, and while they're not entirely unwilling in the one sense they're horrified by the humiliation/voyeurism aspect.

Maybe these examples are just displaying my lack of imagination, and if so... go where your imagination takes you with it. Please make this pairing dirty and nasty and hot for me. They are soooo absent from this meme!

12. Zoro and Sanji, they get tattoos. Can be pairing or not. Pic, Fic, or both!

How it's done is up to you...whether it's a villainous non-consensual h/c thing, a hung over realization after a drunken night out together, or a planned macho outing, everything sounds good to me! Excited to see what ink you give them!

13. Brooke loses his voice, or, if you want to involve Devil-Fruit or some other kind of Grandline phenomenon, he loses the ability to make any sound. So, no singing, no jokes, no talking, and possibly, no musical exploits.

14. I'd like to see some character's opinions on a certain pairing. Its all well and good pairing characters but I'd love to see if anyone on the ship openly supports/hates the relationship.

Preferably RoCho (since I'd imagine thats gonna be the one with most mixed reactions) but Nami with any guy works for me too.

15. There has been no crazy Luffy masturbation porn.
Therefore, in the name of "hot", this anon is requesting it.

Auto-fellatio and self-penetration expected. Toys are fun, too, especially ones which vibrate lots. Or ones that are huge, since he could stuff a lot n there. Also, this anon loves Luffy being noisy and not caring if anyone hears him: moaning, groaning, yelling, panting, growling, sighing, hissing, shouting out someone's name, and whatever else.

Bonus points for him fantasizing about someone while he is doing it (not Nami, Chopper, Franky, Brook, or Zoro, please).

16. Zoro gets molested by a bunch of octopi. Because octopus/Zoro is so canon, and that octopus was totally planning some hot tentacle rape, but Sanji cooked it before it got the chance. Please, think of the octopi! D:

17. Brooke wants to see Panties. But neither Robin or Nami will let him see them. Thusly he turns to Chopper to relay information about them (Chopper's size + their short skirts)

Bonus if Chopper is going out with Robin (non sexual)

18. Robin on bottom
she tends to always top, don't she? I wanna see uke Robin.

pair her with Luffy, Chopper, Nami, Hina or Valentine. Any =3

19. Remember the animals characters are said to resemble? Let's see some art based off of that. I'd like to see all the characters somehow get some attention here, so we may benefit from multiple replies.

20. I have no excuse for this. I read a fic in another fandom some time ago and find it an intriguing and badwrong!hot idea.

Genderswap rape.

Um, so let's victimize Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, maybe by way of a perverted devil fruit user with the power to change people's sex who likes to humiliate his enemies this way.

And for a change let's have Nami and Robin to the rescue and helping them with the aftermath and their new bodies if they're stuck that way.

Doesn't have to include explicit badwrong porn. Not that I would say no to that. But it's the idea that I find fascinating.

21. I'd like a fic (or art I suppose) based on this pic:
(Pic goes here)

Zoro looks like he's about to cry! *wibbles* Can be any pairing, any genre, any situation. All the power is in your hands!

22. Sanji/Usopp, Zoro/Usopp, or Sanji/Zoro. Frottage.

23. Namix ANY guy. Except Mugiwara.

Anyone you like. bonus if its a one night stand and she robs them blind after. [Filled jokingly]

24. Usopp confesses or let's it slip that he's attracted to men. Someone (up to you who, can even be a stranger in a bar) makes a homophobic remark/harasses him. Zoro stands up for him.

Zoro can be straight or gay. This can be nakamaship or ZoSopp. Up to you.

Page 2

1. How about Bellemere? She aint been done yet. Some sort of Bellemere fic, especially something pre-Nami.

Bonush if we see her as Hina's role model and some sort of Olivia/Saulo/Hiriluk involvement.


3. So, Zoro has been turned into a woman for a day. During the Strawhats' special orgy time, everybody wants a piece of their changed nakama.

Strawhats/girl-Zoro gang bang!

4. SmokerxAce as vampires? Or one as a vampire and the other as their hunter/victim/random passerby? You decide.

5. Another mugiwara cuts off Sanji's hair/shaves his head in his sleep. Let the shit hit the fan. And... will he show his face in public?

6. Post Aokiji, Pre-W7. Since im suffering from a lovely cold I wanna see Chopper trying to keep Robin warm after her being frozen. (especially if he uses his body) Sex is welcome but dnot have to be (I do love a nice kiss tho >_>)

7. AU, Bleach Crossover. My dear anon, you can do whatever you wish with it, whatever gengre suits you, whatever characters you prefer, but crack is more than welcome!

8. The Mugiwara are sucked from their world and come across a scary world.


Can be just certain chars go there or the whole crew. No pairing necessary really but if you do then LuUso, RoCho, pair everyone else as you wish.

9. Usopp/Ace please. Don't care who tops, or even if the sex is off screen.

10. Sanji was so upset when Usopp was disappeared DID YOU ALL SEE THAT HOLY CRAP
So do something based on that, like they meet up after falling for 3 days and nights or what have you. Just concerned Sanji happy to find Usopp safe and sound fanfic-or-artage, please?

11. Why is it taht it's ALWAYS the Mugiwara that are captured by the enemy? They are pirates too. I wanna see somebody (preferably female) get captured (and sexed) by the crew. Hina, Porshe, Califa, Perona, Bonnie, Valentine whoever.

use Robin, Nami, Luffy, Usopp or Chopper.

12. We've had all those strawhats-with-baby requests earlier and nobody has asked for Luffy with kiddies. I think this is criminal! He'd be adorable, right?

To throw in something different, lets make the mother Jewelry Bonney. (When she was first introduced in the manga my first thought was 'Luffy's perfect match!')

I wanna see them surrounded by their little demon spawn.

Fic or pic. <3

13. “Zoro, you’re so cold… please, wake up…”

Fic or pic based on that line. Doesn’t have to be death-fic, but I’m in the mood for some angst.

14. Like every other girl in the real world (and most guys) both Robin and Nami are both totally crushing on the 10th Doctor (David Tennant/Doctor Who) much to their boyfriends Chopper (for Ro) and Sanji/Zoro/Usopp/Franky (for Na) annoyance.

So when that faithful time when the vrorp vrorp vrorp and that iconic Police Box materialises on the Thousand Sunny and he steps out...whats everyone's reactions? Do Robin and Nami try to bed him? Do the boyfriends try and sock him one? Or is he invited to become a nakama?

Bonus points if the Doctor is Robin's father and it eventually slips out.

15. Nami wants money, so she decides to start up her own porn films using the rest of the crew.

16. I'm in the mood to write dark. Don't anybody else want some Luffy torture?

17. Give me some sweet (but at least somewhat in character) Nami/Zoro, please. A calm moment together, cuddling, or something. Huge bonus points if their relationship is secret.

18. Someone (Sanji, Usopp or Nami) does something to Zoro that makes him moan in pure pleasure. Pairing or not, sexual or innocent, you decide. If you choose Sanji, I would prefer if it had nothing to do with how good his cooking tastes (it just feels, I don’t know, pretty obvious). I want to see what you think it would take to put him in that state.

19. So hey. Oz and Usopp interaction. Anyone got any bunnies for it?

20. Swordsman Sanji... Please give me fics & pics based on this.
Maybe you wanna go "what if" AU and it was actually Mihawk that ended up saving Sanji from that rock and took him under his wing? Would Zoro be required to fight Sanji before he takes on his sensei? Would Sanji still end up joining the mugiwaras?

OR maybe Sanji is going under cover to pull someones bacon out of the proverbial fire, and was taught enough moves to pull it off...

Or perhaps you have all been nursing your own Sanji Swordsman AUs and Arts.

Total AU is fine. Yaoi fine. Present your fantasies here for me to drool over!

21. A friend of mine was complaining that there isn't enough Admiral fics. So yeah.(Manga Spoilers?) Aokiji and those other two guys, no sex.

22. Poor Luffy has been suffering from insomnia for the past few nights ever since they left the Flower Island (the island they went to in Movie 6), either sleeping very little or not at all from terrible nightmares. He tries to hide it, not wanting his nakama to worry, but eventually one of them finds out...and it just so happens to be the member of his crew that he's had a crush on for quite some time now.

I leave the pairing completely open for whoever wants to take this idea. However I would prefure not pairing Luffy with Chopper or Sanji.

23. After rescuing Hachi from Duval and seeing Camies reaction...Nami is blindsided by...jelousy?!!She remembers that he was actually the nicest one during those Arlong years and suddenly gets the urge to thank him for looking out for her on the sly.

-can be porn or not. Bonus points if Nami is super duper embarrassed or ashamed by her sudden feelings/attraction/lust for him.

24. Two young friends (or boyfriends, your choice) trying to have sex. All fun and games, right? Nothing can can go wrong?


Let's see some fail!sex. I can't imagine two guys their age actually having mind-blowing sex the first time they try it. It's gonna be awkward.

Not knowing what goes where, orgasm too soon, no orgasm at all, too much pain, not knowing whether to swallow, not knowing what comes after, or, how about... not knowing what to do at all. All are possibilities, and it's your choice what happens...

25. Since there can never be enough Hina love. Hina doms any guy (not Zo or San, sorry but im kinda sick of them) preferably Luffy or Usopp

Page 3

1. Porshe and Perona meet up somehow (was Perona teleported near where Foxy crew is?) and they go on a mission to find cute things

use Bearsy and/or Chopper if you like but dun have to. I'd rather see those two bonding over their passion for cute stuffs and maybe a Porshe/Perona.

2. Luffy sexxing while he's under the influence of kairoseki (or, y'know, seawater... somehow). Anything goes. The who/what/why/where/how is up to you. Doesn't have to be dark, doesn't have to be explicit. But it'd be different, right?


4. One of the Strawhats is dead. Let me see the others grieve and try to console each other. Please.

5. Shanks having to give Luffy 'the talk' because Luffy walked in on him and Makino having sex.

6. How about... HinaxKalifa? Anything will do. Maybe something to do with boobs (ROFL). So yeah, pr0n is welcome XD
I don't want them to be too seme or too uke though; like, none of them being too submissive and stuff. Just them both having fun.

7. Characters: Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, in any combination you want.
Prompt: Fluff, mpreg. Someone (you decide who is the "mother") is in advanced pregnancy and not feeling well. Comforting from the other man and cuddling in bed included.

8. Ace/Gin. Make this pairing feasible. Go-go-go!

9. Sanji learns what baby formula is, he is not happy about this.

10. Luffy the Vampire Slayer, complete with Sanji Spike and Zoro Angel.

Other character are fine to include as you wish. Yaoi encouraged but not nessesarry. Would be thrilled with, fic, epicness, or drabbles.

11. I'd LOVE to see the Mugiwara end up on an island and just do relaxing things. Robin, Chopper and Nami go to the library/shop for clothes together, Usopp and Franky go looking for supplies for the ship and Sanji and Brooke leche at the girls. Luffy and Zoro do whatever.

12. *meekly* Could I request a PotC crossover?

Gen is great but... if you felt inclined... Luffy/Jack Sparrow (or the other way around) would be cracktastic insane win.

But gen is great!

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