Part Two Archive: Filled

Sep 13, 2008 18:16

[*sob* I haven't even caught up on reading Part One.]

Updated Sept 21/22 and I need to sleep.

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5. If it quacks like a duck...
I'd like fic/art based on this picture (NWS because of bewbs)

6. Sanji becomes irrationally paranoid they'll run out of food on the ship, and begins starving himself. Someone confronts him (can be an intervention with the whole crew or just one other person). Extra points if the crew has to keep an eye on him, restrain him, or nurse him back to health.

12. Zoro and Sanji, they get tattoos. Can be pairing or not. Pic, Fic, or both!

How it's done is up to you...whether it's a villainous non-consensual h/c thing, a hung over realization after a drunken night out together, or a planned macho outing, everything sounds good to me! Excited to see what ink you give them!

13. Brooke loses his voice, or, if you want to involve Devil-Fruit or some other kind of Grandline phenomenon, he loses the ability to make any sound. So, no singing, no jokes, no talking, and possibly, no musical exploits.

21. I'd like a fic (or art I suppose) based on this pic:
(Pic goes here)

Zoro looks like he's about to cry! *wibbles* Can be any pairing, any genre, any situation. All the power is in your hands!

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10. Sanji was so upset when Usopp was disappeared DID YOU ALL SEE THAT HOLY CRAP
So do something based on that, like they meet up after falling for 3 days and nights or what have you. Just concerned Sanji happy to find Usopp safe and sound fanfic-or-artage, please?

13. “Zoro, you’re so cold… please, wake up…”

Fic or pic based on that line. Doesn’t have to be death-fic, but I’m in the mood for some angst.

17. Give me some sweet (but at least somewhat in character) Nami/Zoro, please. A calm moment together, cuddling, or something. Huge bonus points if their relationship is secret.

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2. Luffy sexxing while he's under the influence of kairoseki (or, y'know, seawater... somehow). Anything goes. The who/what/why/where/how is up to you. Doesn't have to be dark, doesn't have to be explicit. But it'd be different, right?


7. Characters: Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, in any combination you want.
Prompt: Fluff, mpreg. Someone (you decide who is the "mother") is in advanced pregnancy and not feeling well. Comforting from the other man and cuddling in bed included.

10. Luffy the Vampire Slayer, complete with Sanji Spike and Zoro Angel.

Other character are fine to include as you wish. Yaoi encouraged but not nessesarry. Would be thrilled with, fic, epicness, or drabbles.
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