PAGE TWO: It's okay, you guys can request again!

Sep 13, 2008 17:40


Or, free-for-all-fic, or fic free-for-all, or fic-for-all, whatever phrasing floats your boat.


Filled | Unfilled (BOTH posts updated to about half of page three, updated Sept 21, 11-something pm, GMT -5 ( Read more... )

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if it quacks like a duck anonymous September 14 2008, 05:36:59 UTC
I'd like fic/art based on this picture (NWS because of bewbs):



Re: if it quacks like a duck-OMG! Seconded! anonymous September 14 2008, 06:15:27 UTC
OH MY GOD.........WTF!

I am totally blown away here. I am so stunned...I don't know who I should comment on! Just...whoa.

I can't think of anything at all for this...but maybe one day my brain will unbreak and I'll return.

Hope it gets filled in the meantime!


Maybe an evil wizard transformed them? anonymous September 14 2008, 06:20:40 UTC
Hahaha! It's priceless isn't it? Total crack. Gotta love Japanese fan-artists.

Seriously though... I don't think it's cleanly to cuddle a duck when you're naked.


Re: Maybe an evil wizard transformed them? anonymous September 14 2008, 15:11:37 UTC a Swan Princess type scenario? I see...that makes it a little easier.

Still I totally against naked skin...ew.


Re: Maybe an evil wizard transformed them? anonymous September 14 2008, 16:43:34 UTC
Well, it doesn't have to be a swan princess thing, but it could be. I'm leaving it up to the writer/artist!


Re: if it quacks like a duck anonymous September 14 2008, 22:46:20 UTC
XD OMG! I was fully expecting to see Robin or Nami, and instead I got this fantastic piece of crack. Seriously the happiest surprise of my week! I know there's a fabulous, cracky fic bouncing around somewhere inside my head. I just have to catch it.

You're not looking for porn here, are you?


Re: if it quacks like a duck anonymous September 14 2008, 23:19:20 UTC
I'm not looking for anything specific actually. Whatever you come up with will be great I'm sure!

I'm glad the prompt made you so happy! :P


Sanji's usual luck, PART 1 anonymous September 16 2008, 10:46:34 UTC
(Here’s something, hope it satisfies! This fic has Zoro/Sanji in it ( ... )


Sanji's usual luck, PART 2 anonymous September 16 2008, 10:50:44 UTC
Zoro woke up to the sensation of something hard and cold poking him insistently in the face. He swiped at whatever the hell it was with one hand without opening his eyes, determined to continue napping until he himself decided it was time to wake up. There was a weird shuffling sound next to his head, and then something started pulling on his hair a little too hard to be easily ignored ( ... )


Sanji's usual luck, PART 3 anonymous September 16 2008, 10:54:12 UTC
“Zoro-san ( ... )


Sanji's usual luck, PART 4 anonymous September 16 2008, 10:56:33 UTC
Sanji was swimming in circles when he stepped into the water, but he kept his eyes fixed on Zoro and was quacking loudly. And sometimes language barriers weren’t an issue, because Zoro could always tell when he was being laughed at ( ... )


Sanji's usual luck, PART 5 anonymous September 16 2008, 11:00:18 UTC
“Just your luck, huh, cook? When you finally meet a woman who’d be willing to put out for you, what happens? You turn into a duck ( ... )


Re: Sanji's usual luck, PART 5 anonymous September 16 2008, 12:26:11 UTC
(not OP)

I haven't had as much of laugh for a long time.
Poor Sanji, why is it always him, who has bad luck?

as for the duck on girl sex, the acient Greeks had already broke the rule, though in their case it was a swan (but let's say it's close enough XD)


Re: Sanji's usual luck, PART 5 anonymous September 16 2008, 14:28:19 UTC
(writer-anon) I've seen that painting on Wikipedia! Leda and Zeus, right?


Re: Sanji's usual luck, PART 5 anonymous September 16 2008, 15:28:10 UTC
yup, exactly :)


Re: Sanji's usual luck, PART 5 anonymous September 16 2008, 15:19:36 UTC
That was amazing! I love Zoro's reaction to Sanji trying to cuddle, the rejection and then the realization of how Sanji must be feeling. Oh god, duck on girl omake, the thought just hurts.


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