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Comments 20

memoirable October 9 2011, 13:46:19 UTC

Okay, so, can I just say that you are extremely lucky that you only had to wait for SON?! My word!

I'm glad you have faith in RR. I, on the other hand, seem to have picked up ~shenanigans~ in his radar. Why else would he make Reyna offer freaking boyfriendship to Percy when he's completely sold to Annabeth? Answer: because he has a asdfghjkl insert vulgarity here REASON for it. If he had any sense he'd leave his well-cemented first OTP ALONE. So yes. He has a reason for making Reyna do that. So that when Annabeth's dead Percy will find Reyna (sadly single due to Jason and Piper being insert vulgarity here TOGETHER thus leaving Leo behind in the dust again) and their comforting each other will eventually lead to...


THERE I WROTE IT. It's all there! He's making us like her! Now, I recall hating Rachel with a burning passion but I like Reyna! RR's obviously getting us ready for when she and Percy become a couple!

Why am I doing this to myself

Piper was kind of ( ... )


ontothereverie October 10 2011, 07:53:26 UTC
I am so aware of how lucky I was! For some reason I tend to come to series after they've finished quite often - it's good in that I don't have to wait to find out what happens, but it also means I totally miss the high time of the fandom. That's why I was so glad I discovered PJO when I did - I was able to read the books all in a row but the fandom's still really active because of THOO.

...thus leaving Leo behind in the dust again

Wait wait wait Amazon bondage?! Did I miss anything? What is that? /flails haha oh just the men-in-collars thing? It's just kind of dominatrix-tastic?

He's making us like her! Now, I recall hating Rachel with a burning passion but I like Reyna! RR's obviously getting us ready for when she and Percy become a couple!
Thing is, I know people did dislike Rachel because she came between Percy and Annabeth in BotL or whatever, but I don't think RR intended for that to happen. I mean, she's the Oracle: she's super important. She ( ... )


lovelysolitude October 9 2011, 18:17:05 UTC

I have the same issue with the whole release date thing! I read PJO after they'd all come out, and now I'm left waiting for Heroes of Olympus. TIS NOT FAIR.


ontothereverie October 10 2011, 05:24:19 UTC
It's such a first world problem but seriously I do not have the patience!


yssab October 9 2011, 21:16:07 UTC
this reaction post basically said EVERYTHING I HAVE SAID/THOUGHT


ontothereverie October 10 2011, 07:53:56 UTC
haha No worries! :)


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ontothereverie October 10 2011, 06:36:54 UTC
I hadn't even thought about Lupa, but that's a good point. I'm very keen to learn more about Percy's time with mama wolf - I excepted a lot more about Lupa than we got in SoN...

It sounds like she's basically going to get her stubborn on (again) and somehow trigger hell on earth for everybody. If I were a betting woman, I'd say that the thing Percy can't do, that Frank is supposed to do, is put the smackdown on Annabeth sometime in the future.

I think that's probable, but I just hope that... kind of that Annabeth and Frank are both justified in whatever showdown there may be... I'll be annoyed if there's any hint of "oh silly stubborn girlfriend, let the clever men work it out." I do trust RR though, he's handled Annabeth so well thus far that I'm anxious but not worried.


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ontothereverie October 11 2011, 13:00:08 UTC
I'm ambivalent on Annabeth, I neither dislike or like her. But I do think she's a very strong headed and intelligent character, and I don't think it's misogynistic if she IS wrong in whatever happens in the future...

I'm very much not ambivalent on Annabeth - I adore her - but for sure, I'm totally okay with her making some really stupid decisions, or her pride getting in the way, or whatever. That's all fine - it's just the way it's handled. I just don't want everything can't be all her fault, or anything, you know? Though as I say, I'm not expecting RR to handle her badly; I'm expecting him to treat his characters well and certainly to give Percy and Annabeth a happy ending.

...because it's not like Annabeth is nutsYeah, exactly. She's been around from the beginning, there's no reason for RR to randomly turn her into a psycho crazy lady now. Having said that, Annabeth deciding she's the most qualified to decide Hera's future? I can definitely see that happening. Honestly, as long as she's adequately, characteristically justified ( ... )


cedarleaf_7 October 11 2011, 00:51:35 UTC
...Basically, I only discovered PJO this time last year so I never had to wait for a release date and I'M JUST NOT COPING WITH IT AT ALL.


For real, though, I know exactly where you’re coming from. That was me after TLO came out; fell in love with Percy, couldn’t wait to read TLH, but when it finally came, PERCY WASN’T IN IT, so then I had to wait another whole year to read about my favorite demigod again. D:<


I think SoN is my new favorite PJatO/THoO book simply because of how badass Percy is in this one. *dreamysigh* A handsome, squishy badass. Oh, I missed that boy so much!

also for the awkwardness of Hazel and Leo and the dynamic between Jason and Reyna, but even moreso I want to see Jason and Percy. There'll be awkwardness for sure, with Percy taking Jason's praetorship but I just want to fast-track to their bromance, because it's sure to be the stuff of legend.YES!! THIS MUST BE SO! AND THEN THEY MUST GO FIND NICO SO WE CAN HAVE SONS-OF- ( ... )


cedarleaf_7 October 11 2011, 00:52:32 UTC
Because ADULT DEMIGODS, GUYS. ADULT DEMIGODS. Obvs a lot of the fandom has just assumed Percy and Annabeth (and sometimes Nico, if you're a fan of that) whyyesiamthankyou will end up fending off monsters and continuing to be adorable together forever , but watching Percy realize being ~domestic with Annabeth is an actual possibility when he'd never dared hope for it before...

Considering Percy wasn’t expecting to make it past sixteen, and still is just a teenage guy, I found this a little… awkward/ooc. I have a younger brother just got his driver’s license and let me tell you, the idea of him eventually getting married/having kids is not only the absolute last thing on his mind, bringing it up is also one of the quickest, most sure-fire ways to squick him out. Wondering about it, yeah, that’s cool, that’s gonna happen, but the whole like, “yes, this, this is exactly what I want for the rest of my life” thing is… so not like any almost-seventeen year-old I’ve ever met, let alone an almost-seventeen year-old guy. Just sayin’.

... )


cedarleaf_7 October 11 2011, 01:05:17 UTC
Almost forgot:

Reyna and Percy will work together well as praetors. I love that she trusts his judgment in the end. I really don't think their relationship needed the romantic element, but whatever. I'm hoping it's a non-event.

I beg RR for the contrary. I look forward to rumors around Camp Jupiter about Percy and Reyna hooking up lighting a fire under Jason's ass, like "better make up your mind quick who you're going after, boyo, 'cause Reyna ain't waitin' on you forever." Which will of course result in Jason using his flying powers to spy on them from the rooftops, he he he...


ontothereverie October 11 2011, 13:21:14 UTC
Okay, this I definitely see, but only in defence of Reyna and Piper being screwed with in a douchey "wah Jason has to chooooose between his girlfriends, Jason's life is so hard" scenario (I even mixed it ages before we actually met Reyna... it kind of turned out to be an Everyone-Breaks-Up-With-Jason-and-He-Is-Left-Alone-Because-He-Couldn't-Decide EP, lol) In which case, Percy's... kind of being used?

Plus, Annabeth. WHAT ABOUT MY BABY?

But lol, Which will of course result in Jason using his flying powers to spy on them from the rooftops, he he he... - you have it all worked out, don't you? :P


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