Tightrope Walking 101: Untitled

Apr 25, 2012 17:09

Title: Tightrope Walking 101
Characters (Pairings): Puck/Kurt, various others
Ratings/Warnings: None?
Summary: This will be a series of oneshots that I've written on my tumblr. Most are drabbles or ficlets. So unless stated, none of the stories are in the same verse.
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: No, I don't know what this is. Mind, I do know that it's an AU.

Tightrope Walking 101: The Black Lagoon
Tightrope Walking 101: 21
Tightrope Walking 101: Assassins
Tightrope Walking 101: Untilted
Tightrope Walking 101: Coffee
Tightrope Walking 101: Possess
Tightrope Walking 101: What Sarah Said
Tightrope Walking 101: Now Kiss

{Story Time|


Kurt opened the door and raised his eyebrow at the sight before him. A man, with what looked like a fresh mohawk was on his door step. "Jeez, Noah. You could've let yourself in, it's not like I moved the spare key."

Puck walked in, stumbling a bit, not used to this body. He didn't say anything as he followed Kurt inside, "And why exactly did you have to go and get your haircut before coming to me? I could've shaved the sides of your head."

Licking his lips, Puck finally spoke, the first time in that body, "I had to make sure you would recognize me." He paused, "Didn't want to use the spare key to walk into the house with a new body and have you shoot me. I'd have to go find some other schmuck in a coma."

Kurt made a non-committal noise, "Yes, because you couldn't have opened with 'Babe, relax, it's just me'."

Puck rolled his eyes as he jumped up to sit on the counter, and watching as Kurt moved around the kitchen, continuing to cook his meal, "And would I have been able to say that before you killed me? I don't think so. I've seen you with a gun." He eyed the cutting blade in Kurt's hand, "I've also seen you with a knife."

Kurt shrugged. "Okay fine. Whatever." Sighing he looked at Puck, "You eating with me? Do I need to add food to this?"

Puck nodded, "I stole the medical files of this dude, so as long as there isn't any peanuts in your noodle-y and meat meal with a side salad, I'll have some." He frowned, "I will miss peanuts. Because Snickers. And like, PB and J, dude."

Kurt hummed to himself for a second before pointing his knife at Puck, "It's not like you can go out and find a coma-guy who isn't allergic to peanuts."

"But babe," Puck jumped down from the counter and wrapped his arms around Kurt, "this body is totes smoking. I know you can't wait till you can unwrap it and find out how big my new cock is." He smirked and whispered in Kurt's ear, "Spoilers: it's huge."

gleetastic, tightrope walking 101, fanfreakin'fiction

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