Over and Over: 8. Innocence

Jan 24, 2010 13:55

Title: Over and Over: 8. Innocence
Characters/Pairing: Ianto, Jack, Gwen, Tosh, Owen, Doctor, Donna
Spoilers: Um. None?
Warnings: AU (are you surprised?)
Summary: Got 100 word prompts and themes. Therefore, 100 oneshots. This is number 8. Innocence
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Well, got this idea yesterday, wrote it yesterday and was able to get my housemate to okay it today. Otherwise it would have been up last night. So, yeah. AU.

{Story Time|

8. Innocence

“Yantoe!” Jack cried out, running up to the other boy. “Yantoe! Yantoe! Yaaantoe!”

Ianto looked up from his coloring, “Yes Jack?” He blinked, not at all surprised by Jack’s antics.

“You wanna help me catch some aliens?” He held up two cardboard cut outs, “I made us swords!”

Ianto put down his crayon, “Can swords really destroy aliens?”

“Yep.” Jack nodded quickly, “’Specially girl aliens.”

Ianto frowned. “I dun wanna destroy ToshTosh and Gwen.”

Jack paused and tilted his head, “You is right. We don’t wanna do that. Then they won’t share their sweets with us.” He sat down next to Ianto, “Do ya thinks O’wn will be an alien?”

Ianto snorted, “Nuh-uh.” He began to put his colors away, they had be in a certain order. It was a difficult process.

“Then who’s gonna be our aliens?” Jack pouted, slumping in his chair.

“They’re invis’ble.” Ianto replied, grinning happily at his crayons.

“Oh yeah!” Jack clapped his hands, “They are invis-invis-invis-” Jack stumbled over the word.

“Invis’ble.” Ianto repeated.

“Come, lets go.” Jack handed Ianto his sword and took the free hand in his own as they went outside into the back yard. They stopped just outside the door, “Yanno, how do we track and invis-double alien?”

“Invis’ble.” Ianto corrected, “And jus’ coz we can’t see ‘em doesn’t mean we can’t see wha’ he leave behind.”

“Wha’d’ya mean?” Jack blinked.

“Follow the footprints ‘e leaves.” Ianto stated with a smile.

Jack grinned, “You know e’rything, Yantoe.” He kissed the other boy on the cheek.

They had fun looking for the alien and attacking it but in the end Ianto go thirsty and so they went inside to get something to drink. They walked up to one of the two who ran the day care. “Miss Donna?” Ianto asked, standing beside her, “May I please have somthin’ ta drink?”

“Water work for you?” Donna asked the five year old. He nodded and she smiled as she gave it to him. He drank it and then handed the glass back to her. As he walked off she turned to the other who ran the day care, “I sometimes really hate my job - kids and all-”

John Smith cut her off, “Then why are you in the day care business?”

“If you’d let me finish, sunshine!” She replied with her voice louder. “Like I was saying, but sometimes I just can’t help but want to snatch up all the little ones and keep them in my pocket.”

“Like Ianto?” John, known as the Doctor to the kids simply because if they got hurt he is the one who fixed their wounds, sucked on his juice box.

“Ah, yes. And well, all of ‘em. When they’re good.”

Ianto walked over to his area of the play room. He liked his area, everything was were it should be. The crayons were put away in a rainbow order and his toys were smallest to largest. Alas, when he got to the area, Ianto couldn’t help but feel tears in his eyes. All of his toys were out of order and his crayons were split on the floor. He picked up a red one that was broke in two before falling to the ground and crying loudly.

Jack ran over to his best friend in whole wide world and held him close. “Yanno, s’okay. Dun cry Yantoe. We can fix this mess. We can find out do dun it too.” Ianto’s cries calmed down some and he nodded.

Together they got the area cleaned up quickly, Jack moving things the way Ianto told him. Ianto sighed contently and gave Jack’s hand a squeeze when he saw that everything was in it’s proper place. Jack never understood why Ianto needed things put away, but he knew that if they weren’t Ianto wasn’t happy. He liked it when his Ianto was happy. Picking up his sword Jack said, “I’ll find out who did the mess and then make ‘em pay fer makin’ you cry.”

“Oh.” Ianto said, eyes wide, “But what ifs you gets hurt? I dun wan’ you hurt coz of me.”

“I ‘aven’t told you, Yantoe?” Jack asked, “I am immo-immo-immor-I can’t gets hurt.”

“You immor’al?” Ianto asked, tilting his head and looking at his friend, “How do ya know?”

“’Member yesterday when I falled from the tree?” Ianto nodded, he had been very scared for Jack. He loved Jack and did not want to see him hurt. He was being held by Miss Rose, the Doctor’s wife, crying for Jack while the Doctor checked the other boy out. “The Doc said tha’ I’s a mira-mira-miracycle-”

“Miracl’.” Ianto corrected.

“Yeah, he said I was tha’ coz I didn’t smash my head in. I dun even get a bruise.” Jack grinned. “So, I can fights who did this without fear of being hurted.”

“That’s good.” Ianto smiled back. “We should ask the girls who did it. They’d know.”

“But Yanno,” Jack started, “the only peoples who could do this are ToshTosh, Gwen and Ow’n.” He paused, “And we knowed it wasn’t ToshTosh or Gwen.” He frowned, “Prob’ly.”

“The person who dun this needs to pay, yes,” Ianto agreed, “but we need to be dete’ives and ask the people who might’ve seen it happen.”

“Oh. Okay Yantoe.” Jack nodded, taking Ianto’s hand they walked over to the girls who were playing with a toy kitchen set.

“Hi Jack, Hi Yantoe.” Toshiko greeted them, “You wantsta play tea party?”

“Oh yeah!” Jack agreed when Ianto frowned at him, “Oh, I mean, not now ToshTosh. See, someone wrecked Yanno’s thingies and we needs ta find ou’ who.”

Tosh shrugged, “I dunno. Prob’ly Ow’n.” She poured herself some imaginary tea, “Gwen coulda seen it happen though.” She paused, “She’s makin’ cakes fer our tea party.”

The two boys walked over to the toy oven where Gwen was. She turned and hugged Jack, “Hi Jack!” She let go and then turned to Ianto, “Hullo Yantoe.”

Ianto pouted at Gwen, he liked her, he did. But she seemed to like Jack a lot. And sometimes Jack would ignore him and play with Gwen. That’s when he’d go sit somewhere and start sorting the toys. Then someone would come and talk to him. Sometimes Miss Donna, or the Doctor but other times it’d be ToshTosh or even Ow’n.

“Did Ow’n mess with Yanno’s stuff?” Jack asked, keeping a firm hold on Ianto’s hand.

“Yup.” Gwen nodded, “I tolded him not to. I tolded him tha’ Yanno sorted his stuff bu’ he saided he wanted to play with Yanno’s toys coz they were nicer than his coz I see how Yanno takes care of his n’ Ow’n doesn’t. Tha’s why Yanno’s toys are nicer.” She then turned to Ianto, “You take good care of ‘em.” She gave him a small and happy smile.

“T’ank you Gwen.” Ianto replied, smiling back at her. “We gotsta go see O’wn now.”

The two boys walked over to Owen who was playing with some action figures. “O’wn! I c’allange you to a fight fer Yantoe’s, Yantoe’s, Yantoe’s,” Jack paused and turned to Ianto, “I knows I’m fightin’ fer your toys, but whats the word I want?”


“Honor?” Jack asked back, “Whats that?”

“Not sure bu’ in the book my Mammy is reading me it’s what the Prince is fightin’ for. The Princess’ honor.”

“Oh, okay.” Jack turned back to Owen, his sword pointed at the boy, “Fer Yanno’s honor!”

Owen got up, “Unfair! Unfair! You has a sword!”

Ianto handed over his sword to Owen, “Thar ya go Ow’n. Yous can have my sword. Good luck.” He smiled at the other boy before turned back to Jack, “Yous too. Good luck.” He kissed Jack on the cheek.

“I dun need luck, I’s immor’al.”

“Why you immor’al and not me?” Owen protested, stomping his foot.

“Coz I special?” Jack shrugged, then he poked Owen with his sword.

Owen glared and using his hit Jack in the head.

“Ow!” Jack cried out. “Tha’ hurt.”

Ianto glared, “You hurted Jack?” Frowning deeply he pushed Owen. “You not supposed to hurt ‘em. This is game. You also not supposed to play with my toys.”

Owen pushed back, “Don’t push me Yantoe.”

“Don’t hurt Jack or mess with my thingies and I won’t push you.” Ianto said, glaring at the other boy.

“Why does all your stuff gotsta be so perfe’t?” O’wn asked, “Yous so perfe’t.” He pushed Ianto again.

Ianto pushed back, “They’ve just gotta go there. It’s wrong if they’re not where they live.” He couldn’t really explain why his toys needed to be put away in that order. Or why when he was upset he wanted to organize things. Or why he counted things. He pushed back, “Stop bein’ mean Ow’n.”

“Make me.” Owen pushed back.

The two boys both came forward and met each other, starting to punch and kick, calling out names, “Poop head!” “Dirty pig!” “Dumby!” “Stupid.”

By now Jack was standing back, eyes wide in surprise at Ianto fighting, Gwen had stopped cooking and walked over and watched, just as surprised. Tosh meanwhile walked over to the office, “Miss Donna? Doctor? Ow’n and Yanno are fighting.”

“What?” The Doctor asked, “Ianto?” He got up, “Not Jack?”

“Jack was gonna but ‘parently Yanno beat ‘em to it.” Tosh shrugged and lead the grown ups to the fight.

Donna grabbed Owen while the Doctor grabbed Ianto and they separated the boys. “No fighting.” The Doctor scolded, “Time for the Thinking Log.”

Owen grumbled as he sat down on the Thinking Log, Ianto slowly made his way over, having only been on the thinking log two times before. The Thinking Log was where you’d go if you did something bad. It was what it sounded like, just a regular log that the children had to sit at and think about what they did wrong.

“I sorry, Ow’n.” Ianto said, “Yous not stupid.”

Owen sighed, deflated some, “Yous not a dumby.”

“Please dun play with my stuff without askin’ me.”

“Okay.” Owen nodded. “I still dun get why you thinks it needs to be in that order.”

“I thinks my heads broked.” Ianto frowned, “The Doctor talked to my parents the other day. Says I’ve got traits fer OPD. Or sumthin’ like that.” He paused, “Whats that mean? Do ya know? Traits fer OPD?”

“I dunno.” Owen shrugged. “I dun even know what a trait is let alone OPD.”

It was soon the end of the day and the kids all said goodbye to one another.

“Another day tomorrow.” Donna said, putting away a few toys.

“Isn’t it just great?” The Doctor grinned at his co-worker, locking the door of the day care behind them. “Knowing that we are shaping lives? Everyday we get to help the kids become whatever they will be in the future.”

{You want moar?|

tw!toddlers au, torchwoodoctorwho, over and over, fanfreakin'fiction

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