Over and Over: 36. Precious Treasure

Jan 22, 2010 20:09

Title: Over and Over: 36. Precious Treasure
Characters/Pairing: Ianto/Jack, Gwen, Owen, Toshiko
Spoilers: Um. None?
Warnings: Er. MPreg to an extent. Give it a try even if you don't like MPreg, you may like this. Seriously. As I never thought I'd write MPreg and then I wrote this.
Summary: Got 100 word prompts and themes. Therefore, 100 oneshots. This is number 36. Precious Treasure
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Bam! I'm a Man!
Okay. Uh. Basically, went out to eat with friends and somehow we came up with this idea. We talked about the wonders of mastication, how we hate MPreg and "What is this fuckery?" Very fun night. I hope you enjoy this strange little story.

{Story Time|

36. Precious Treasure

“This is awful!” Jack yelled into his hands.

Ianto raised an eyebrow and voiced what the other’s were thinking, “What’s awful?”

Jack mumbled his answer into his hands.

“What was that?”

“I want pickles and tacos.” Jack wailed into his hands.

Everyone was silent.

“But Ianto brought curry for lunch.” Gwen said, “And we’ve already ate it.” She paused, “Five minutes ago.”

“I know! But I wan pickles and tacos!” He cried out in a sort of horror.

“Okay Jack,” Ianto said, his voice only slightly patronizing. “We can get you some pickles and tacos later.”

“You don’t understand.” Jack got up and quickly ran to Ianto. Putting his hands on his lover’s shoulders he looked deep in Ianto’s eyes. “You don’t, you don’t understand.”

“Stop being so melodramatic.” Owen growled out, “What don’t we understand?”

“I’m - I’m - I’m preggers.” He pulled Ianto next to him and held him tight.

“But Jack,” Tosh said, taking her glasses off, “You’re a man.”

Jack looked up then, his eyes slightly puffy from weeping into Ianto’s shoulder, his suit wet from the tears, “Huh?”

“You’re a man, Jack.” Ianto repeated what Toshiko said, “Pretty sure you can’t be pregnant.”

“But I’m craving pickles and tacos!” Jack said after a moment.

“That’s your only evidence?” Owen scoffed, “Sure you haven’t missed your period?”

“Don’t get a period, Owen.” Jack said, as if he was talking a child, “I’m a man.”


“But I’m preggers, I say.” Jack said, “I’m feeling venerable and I want to paint a nursery yellow and my nipples are tender.”

“We did not need to know that.”

“How about we take you down to the med bay and have a look see?” Ianto asked, hoping to not push Jack over the edge.

Jack nodded, eyes watery as Ianto took his hand and led him down. Owen took scanner in hand and a light went over Jack’s body. “So, is a boy or a girl?”

“It’s a parasite.” Owen said, his voice monotone.

“I’m aware that some view a wonderful baby as a parasite, but it’s not. It’s life and wonderful and a miracle, a precious treasure if you will-” Jack got cut off my Owen.

“No. It’s a parasite. Good old regular parasite. One that should have killed you sooner, but being as it’s you…”

“Oh.” Jack blinked. “Well. Can I name it Ted?” He turned to Ianto, “I was thinking of naming it Ted if it was a boy and Verna if it was a girl.”

Ianto glared at Jack, “No child of mine would be named Ted.”

torchwoodoctorwho, over and over, fanfreakin'fiction

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