
Mar 27, 2010 20:05

My daughter loves to scare the crap outta me. The other night, I came out of the bathroom and she was stood there facing the door, just staring. I jumped out of my skin, she laughed her head off. She's only eight, but she knows how to give me a fright lol.

When she was a lot younger, her nan and I were watching a scary movie in the dark, and all of ( Read more... )

the lolz

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Comments 40

redhandedjilll March 29 2010, 03:21:24 UTC
Oh God, I LOVE scaring people. I do it around the house constantly, I always get this incredible urge to hide when I'm alone and I hear someone coming.

My brother is my main target, I always manage to pick the right moments to jump out and scare him and he hates me for it. The funny thing is he always tries to get me back and fails, but tonight I was walking down the hall putting batteries in my camera when he said "Hey". I had no idea he was there and I yelled "OH JESUS" and almost dropped my camera. The one time he's not trying to scare me, he does.


stella_di_morte March 30 2010, 15:59:27 UTC
XD I laughed at the "OH JESUS" part so hard, omfg.


simplylvoe March 29 2010, 03:46:08 UTC
I LOVE scaring people. My specialty is being able to silently walk up on someone and startle the beejesus outta them.
My earliest memory of scaring my parents was when I was real little, "sleeping" on my Dad's lap when they decided to watch the movie Psycho. At the shower scene, I sat straight up, making the stabity noise and the stabbing motion. I think my mom screamed. It was great.
I also used to scare them in a bad way. I was so small I was able to hide in the most awkward places. They almost called the cops once because I hid, not wanting to get in the tub. XD


simplylvoe March 29 2010, 03:46:49 UTC
Oh. Almost forgot to add my backfire story.
I loved playing hide and seek. My dad would always ALWAYS hide in the furnace closet and scare me to tears. :(


xfeagen March 29 2010, 04:58:54 UTC
Oh man that reminded me. XD My little sister couldn't have been but like, three or four when she decided to hide so she didn't have to go in the tub. We looked for her for what feels like HOURS. We live on ten acres of just forest, so we searched the whole thing and took the house up and down and were seconds away from callling in the police and/or our neighbor with bloodhounds when she showed up. You know where she had been hiding the whole time?

.. her bed. She had actually MADE HERSELF into the bed, and stayed there the whole time, even when we searched her room. Stupid brat. XD


ladyiceblink March 29 2010, 07:31:58 UTC
I definitely pulled a stunt like this when I was 2. I wanted a popsicle before dinner one evening, and of course my mother told me no.. I was just at the point in my life where I realized that it was possible to disobey, and I got one anyway. I wiggled underneath a dresser (about a foot of space under it with a low decorative panel in front) and ate the popsicle, then dozed off for a while. Apparently I was out for 3 hours, and they had all the neighbors searching pastures, and had just picked up the phone to call the police when my sister found me >;)


redorchard13 March 29 2010, 03:48:44 UTC
LOL most people who know me know not to try to scare me. i'm high-strung and my reactions to being frightened can be rather...ballistic. actually my first split-second reaction to being frightened is to be FUCKING FURIOUS.

i must have some major repressed anger from a death in a past life or something. i'm not a screamer, i'm more of a FLAIL MY KNEES AND ELBOWS AROUND-er. and if i hit you i wont feel bad about it afterward, either. i almost broke my dad's nose once when he came up behind me and tried to BOO me out of a case of hiccups.


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Re: LOL @ myself w3nch March 29 2010, 07:09:21 UTC
that .gif is priceless!!! His reaction to what he just did is so funny :D:DD:D:D:


Re: LOL @ myself stella_di_morte March 30 2010, 15:57:16 UTC
I'm so afraid that'll happen to me! That's why i don't scare strangers, or wait to witness people being scared a couple of times so I know their reactions won't be violent. XD


rally_pchan March 29 2010, 04:25:25 UTC
I can usually scare people whether I meant to or not. I mainly scare my mom and brother though, since they are easy targets. I usually just come up behind my mom without a sound and scare her as she turns around. I enjoyed coming up behind my brother and going "AAHH!" as he was playing Fatal Frame 2. xDD
I don't really have a backfire story because no one manages to scare me, lol. My brother tries but he somehow always makes some sort of noise.


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