(no subject)

Mar 27, 2010 20:05

My daughter loves to scare the crap outta me. The other night, I came out of the bathroom and she was stood there facing the door, just staring. I jumped out of my skin, she laughed her head off. She's only eight, but she knows how to give me a fright lol.

When she was a lot younger, her nan and I were watching a scary movie in the dark, and all of a sudden my mum jumped about a foot in the air because she could see a small white face looking thru the crack in the door. My daughter had got out of bed, smeared her face with nappy (diaper) cream, and was staring thru the crack at the door, expressionless. And I've lost count of the number of times I've woken up to find her standing over me in the dark and staring down at me. She always thinks it's hysterical when I jump in fright, lol.

I think she got this from me, as I also love to scare people. My aunt is a taxi driver and often stops by my mum's when she's working at night. Mum will usually take her out a cup of coffee so she doesn't have to get out of the car (so she doesn't miss a job). This night, when she pulled into the drive, I was already hiding behind a wall in the front drive, and my mum was to bring my aunt her cup of coffee, and then pop back inside so my aunt was looking toward the house. I had a halloween skull mask, similar to this:

and after my mum had gone back inside, I crawled up to the car on the drivers side, put the mask on my hand and held it up at the (open) window. Then I waited. A few seconds later, my aunt realised their was something at the window, and when she saw what it was, she jumped, screamed......and threw her coffee cup at me. Luckily, it...and the scalding hot coffee....just missed me, lol. But God it was funny.

Another time, I hid crouched behind the front door and grabbed my mum's legs when she came home......she swore, and then hit me (this wasn't an agressive hit, it was a 'oh my frigging god, somethinng's got my legs!' hit).

My mum, however, is crap at pranking. We used to have a Saturday night horror movie fest, and then she'd stand at the door later on and watch me cross the street to my flat. But one night, she quietly followed me over, and hid behind the garden wall, planning to jump out at me when I opened the front door. It might have worked.....if she hadn't have been giggling so loudly.

Does anyone else just love scaring the shit out of their friends and family? And if so, has it ever backfired?

the lolz

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